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<br />7.City will be notified as to the official advertising dates, bid opening date, <br />construction start date, and overall construction schedule for the Project. Also, a <br />representative from City will be invited to attend pre-construction, Project status, and final <br />walk through meetings. <br />8.The Project costs represented in this Agreement are the contract costs <br />based upon the Mesa Water contract amount plus Mesa Water’s administration costs. <br />Change orders applicable to such contract must receive the written approval of the <br />Executive Director of Public Works of Santa Ana or their designee prior to implementation. <br />Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and, if such approval results in an <br />adjustment to the contract amount (Project cost), City shall be responsible for its <br />proportional allocation of the increased costs pursuant to the terms hereof. <br />9.The following staff members, or as otherwise designated in writing by either <br />Party, shall be the designated representatives of each Party to act on each respective <br />Party’s behalf with respect to this Agreement. Any notices, requests, approvals, plan <br />submittals or communications shall be provided to each representative noted below: <br />City of Santa Ana: <br />ATTN: Rudy Rosas <br />Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer <br />Public Works Agency <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, M-21 <br />Mesa Water District: <br />ATTN: Andrew D. Wiesner, P.E. <br />District Engineer <br />1965 Placentia Avenue <br />Costa Mesa, CA, 92627 <br />10.Mesa Water shall cause its contractors for the Project to guarantee the <br />Project improvements against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one <br />(1) year from the date of acceptance. It is further agreed that Mesa Water shall assume <br />the responsibility for causing the Project improvements to be brought or restored to full <br />compliance with the requirements of the Plans and Specifications for any portion of the <br />Project which during said one (1) year period are found not to be in conformance with the <br />provisions of the Plans and Specifications. <br />11.Mesa Water shall have its contractors and/or consultants provide insurance <br />as set forth in Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. <br />12.This Agreement contains all of the agreements of the Parties regarding the <br />Project and Project costs and all previous understandings, negotiations and agreements <br />3