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Item 24 - Appropriation Adjustment and Agreements for Workforce Redevelopment Programs
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 24 - Appropriation Adjustment and Agreements for Workforce Redevelopment Programs
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Last modified
1/27/2025 5:21:42 PM
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1/21/2025 2:15:26 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Community Development
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County of Orange <br />OC Community Resources <br />MA-012-25010265 <br />Regional Workforce Training Services <br />Page 8 of 54 <br /> <br /> <br />14. Performance Warranty: <br />Subrecipient shall warrant all work under this Contract, taking necessary steps and precautions to perform <br />the work to County’s satisfaction. Subrecipient shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical <br />assurance, timely completion and coordination of all documentation and other commodities/services <br />furnished by Subrecipient under this Contract. Subrecipient shall perform all work diligently, carefully, <br />and in a good and workmanlike manner; shall furnish all necessary labor, supervision, machinery, <br />equipment, materials, and supplies, shall at its sole expense obtain and maintain all permits and licenses <br />required by public authorities, including those of County required in its governmental capacity, in <br />connection with performance of the work. If permitted to subcontract, Subrecipient shall be fully <br />responsible for all work performed by subcontractors. <br />15. Changes: <br />Subrecipient shall make no changes in the work or perform any additional work without County’s specific <br />written approval. <br />16. Change of Ownership/Name, Litigation Status, Conflicts with County Interests: <br />Subrecipient agrees that if there is a change or transfer in ownership of Subrecipient’s business prior to <br />completion of this Contract, and County agrees to an assignment of Contract, the new owners shall be <br />required under the terms of sale or other instruments of transfer to assume Subrecipient’s duties and <br />obligations contained in this Contract and complete them to the satisfaction of County. <br />County reserves the right to immediately terminate Contract in the event County determines that the <br />assignee is not qualified or is otherwise unacceptable to County for the provision of services under Contract. <br />In addition, Subrecipient has the duty to notify County in writing of any change in Subrecipient’s status <br />with respect to name changes that do not require an assignment of Contract. Subrecipient is also obligated <br />to notify County in writing if Subrecipient becomes a party to any litigation against County, or a party to <br />litigation that may reasonably affect Subrecipient’s performance under Contract, as well as any potential <br />conflicts of interest between Subrecipient and County that may arise prior to or during the period of Contract <br />performance. While Subrecipient will be required to provide this information without prompting from <br />County any time there is a change in Subrecipient’s name, conflict of interest or litigation status, <br />Subrecipient must also provide an update to County of its status in these areas whenever requested by <br />County. <br />Subrecipient shall exercise reasonable care and diligence to prevent any actions or conditions that could <br />result in a conflict with County interests. In addition to Subrecipient, this obligation shall apply to <br />Subrecipient’s employees, agents, and subcontractors associated with the provision of goods and services <br />provided under this Contract. Subrecipient’s efforts shall include, but not be limited to establishing rules <br />and procedures preventing its employees, agents, and subcontractors from providing or offering gifts, <br />entertainment, payments, loans or other considerations which could be deemed to influence or appear to <br />influence County staff or elected officers in the performance of their duties. <br />17. Force Majeure: <br />Subrecipient shall not be assessed with liquidated damages or unsatisfactory performance penalties during <br />any delay beyond the time named for the performance of this Contract caused by any act of God, war, civil <br />EXHIBIT 1
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