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Contract 4 AR2472 <br />STATE OF UTAH COOPERATIVE CONTRACT <br />1. CONTRACTING PARTIES: This contract is betwccn the Division of Purchasing and the followiltg Contractor: <br />Carahsoft Technolol<v Corporation <br />Name <br />_1860 Michael Faraday Drive. Suite IQ_[?_ <br />Address <br />Rcmo n VA 20190 <br />City <br />State Zip <br />LEGAL. STATUS OF CONTRACTOR <br />❑ Sofe Proprietor <br />❑ Non -Profit Corporation <br />® For -Profit Corporation <br />❑ Partnership <br />❑ Government Agency <br />Contact Person Bethany Blnchwell Phone #703-230-7435 Email NASPOrrt� <br />Vendor YVC00001 16540 Commodity Code #920-05 <br />2. GENERAL PURPOSE OF CONTRACT: Contractor ispermitted to provide the Cloud Solutions identified in Auachmeol 13 to <br />Pardeipatin Slitte_s once a .P:trlieil atimt Addendum has been signet! <br />3. PROCUREMENT PROCESS: This contract is entered into as a result of the procurement process on 13itifiCH 16012. <br />4. CONTRACT PERIOD: Ef ective Date, I Of i�411--lei Termination Date: 09/15/2026 unless terminated carly or extended in accordance <br />with the temis and conditions of this contract. dote: Pursuant to Solicitation 11CH 16012, Contract must re-cerlitp its qualifications each <br />year. <br />5. Administrative Fce, as described in the Solicitation and Attachment A: The Contractor shall pay to NASPO Value Point, or its assignee, <br />a NASPO ValwPoint Adminisinnive Fee ol-one-quarter ol'one percent (0,25% ur 0.0025) no later than 60 days luliowing the end of <br />each calcndar quarter, The NASPO ValticPoint Administrative Fcc shall be submitted gAmocrly and is based on sales ol'the Services. <br />6, ATTACHMENT A: NASPO ValuePuint Master Ternis and Conditions, including the attached Exhibits <br />ATTACHMENT 43: Scope of Services Awarded to Con(ractor <br />ATTACHMI NT C: Pricing Discounts and Pricing Schedule <br />ATTACHMENT D. Contractor's Response to Solicitation 0CH 16012 <br />ATTACHMENT E: Service Offering EULAs <br />Any conflicts hetween Attaelsmettt A and Ilia other Attachments will be resolved in favor of Aiwehtnent A. <br />8. DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED IN1'0.1-HIS CONTRACT 13Y REFERENCE 13UT NDT ATTACHED: <br />a, All other governmental lases, regulations, or actiuns appiicoble to (lie goods attcllor services authorized by III is contract. <br />b. Utah State Procurement Cade and (lie Procurement Rules. <br />9, Each signatory below represenls that he or she has the requisite authorily to enter into this contract. <br />1N WITN ESS WI IEREOF, Ilia parties sign and cause this contract to be executed, <br />CONTRACTOR STATE • <br />{ . (;3 <br />10•'1 111E <br />nnlrncloes signature Datc Di -actor, ivisi i of Purchasing Dale <br />Robert Moore, Vice President <br />.Type or Print Name and Title <br />Christop1wr Hughes 801-538-3254 christo Iterhu lies rr utah. Gov <br />DiVkion OQLirchasinm Conmel Person 'I0g1ht)w Ntim1wr Y:L. N--u,ntur tanniI <br />IkL•vihuM) I{,link-N <br />IN <br />