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Orange, Santa Ana Unified School District Police, California State University, Fullerton, <br />University of California, Irvine, Municipal Water District of Orange County, and the Orange <br />County Fire Authority; and <br />WHEREAS, the Office of Grants Management ("OGM") awarded a FY2023 UASI <br />Grant of $5,113,750 ("Grant Funds") to the CITY OF SANTA ANA, as a Core City, for use <br />in the ASAUA; and <br />WHEREAS, the CITY has designated the Chief of Police, or his designee and the <br />Santa Ana Police Department, Emergency Management Director ("UASI Grant <br />Office") to provide forterrorism prevention and emergency preparedness; and <br />WHEREAS, the UASI Grant Office now wishes to distribute FY2023 UASI Grant <br />Funds throughout the ASAUA, as further detailed in this Agreement ("Agreement') to THE <br />REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ("SUB -RECIPIENT") and others; <br />WHEREAS, the CITY and SUB -RECIPIENT are desirous of executing this <br />Agreement as authorized by the City Council and the Chief of Police which authorizes the <br />CITY to prepare and execute the Agreement, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS <br />