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AGREEMENT WITH CALIFORNIA FORENSIC PHLEBOTOMY INCORPORATED AND <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA FOR BLOOD TF,CHNI(] AN SERVICES <br />THIS AGRBEMENT iS iIlade and entered intO On kl)iS 4'h aa:7 0f Felcraaiy 2025, '05 ana betWeen, <br />California Forensic Phlebotomy Incorporated ("Consultant"), and the City of Santa Ana, a charter city <br />and municipal corporation organized and existing rinder the Constitution arid laws of the State of <br />California ("City"). <br />RECITALS <br />A. The City desires to retain a Consultant to provide blood technician services for the Santa Ana <br />Poiice Department ("SAPD") on an on-cadi basis. <br />B.Consultant is the sole service provider for forensic phlebotomy services in Orange County. and is <br />the current provider for blood and breath technician services for all Orange County law <br />enforcement agencies. These tecmicians are responsible for drawing blood in a medically- <br />approved manner, retaining these items through an evidentiary-approved process and relinquishing <br />them to the Ormige County Crime Lab for analysis. The Santa Ana Police Department will rely on <br />Consaltant to takc EilOOa sannplCs from iriaiviatials that FiaVC 5CCn ':n-vO!-vCd !n iriciaccts wucrc <br />drugs and/or alcohol are suspected. <br />C.Consultant represents that it is able and willing to provide such services to the City. In undertaking <br />the performance of this Agreement, Consultant represents that it is knowledgeable in its field and <br />that any services performed by Consultant under this Agreement will be performed in compliance <br />with such standards as may reasonably be expected from aprofessional consulting firm in the field. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and respective promises, and subject to the terms <br />and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: <br />1.SCOPE, OF SERVICE8 <br />Consultant shall perform during the term of this Agreement, the tasks and obligations including <br />)lit 1H5cir, materiH1s, tnnls, eqnipmerit, and incirlental ci,istomary work reo,i'iir@(i i@ f(')lly and H6@(p)Hj@137 <br />complete the services described and set forth in Scope of Work - Exhibit A, attached hereto and <br />incorporated by reference. <br />2.COMPF,NSATION <br />a. City agrees to pay, and Consultant agrees to accept as total payment for its services for City, <br />the rates and charges identified in Compensation - Exhibit B. The total amount to be <br />expended dumgthe term of this Agreement shall not exceed $64,520 which includes a $5,000 <br />contingency fee. <br />b. PaymentbyCityshallbemadewithinforty-five(45)daysfollowingreceiptofproperinvoice <br />evidencing work performed, subject to City accounting procedures. City and Consultant agree <br />that all payments due and owing under this Agreement shall be made through Automated <br />Clearing House (ACH) transfers. Consultant agrees to execute the City's standard ACH <br />Pagel <br />EXHIBIT 1