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Page 1 of 4 <br />FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH FOCUS MEDIA GROUP, INC. FOR <br />THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND ADVERTISING OF BUS <br />SHELTERS, BUS BENCHES AND KIOSKS <br />THIS FIRST AMENDMENT to the above-referenced agreement is entered into on February 4, <br />2025, by and between Focus Media Group, Inc. (“Company”) and the City of Santa Ana, a charter <br />city and municipal corporation organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State <br />of California (“City”). <br />RECITALS <br />On January 18, 2022, the Parties entered into Agreement #A-2022-010, by which <br />Company agreed to provide services related to selling advertising through out-of-home <br />media assets – specifically, street furniture, and the installation, maintenance, janitorial <br />services and operation of advertising-supported bus shelters, bus benches and kiosks. The <br />Agreement is active and has a ten-year initial term. <br />Certain of the Agreement discuss the content of advertisements and procedures <br />under which such content may be restricted. It has come to the Parties’ attention that <br /> of these policies may be overly vague or otherwise untenable in practice. <br />The Parties now wish to amend the Agreement to clarify the scope and procedure of the <br />“unacceptable content” policies contained therein. No other changes are contemplated by <br />this First Amendment. <br />The Parties therefore agree: <br />1.Exhibit “A”, subsection “Advertising Standards” is hereby amended, and replaced with <br />the following: <br />Advertising Standards <br />a. Bus shelter advertising shall be limited to one two-sided, back-to-back, backlit ad <br />panel per shelter. Alternative advertising panel designs as required on a site by-site <br />basis will require prior approval by the City. Any proposed advertising to be located <br />on the shelter ad panels shall not: <br />1. Display the words "STOP", "DRIVE-IN", "DANGER", or any other word, <br />phrase, symbol or character which may interfere with, mislead, confuse, or <br />direct vehicular traffic. <br />2. Be comprised of rotating, revolving, or flashing lighting devises. <br />3. Promotes alcohol, cannabis and/or tobacco products of any kind within <br />1,000 feet of any school. <br />4. Contains “off-site business identification signs.” For the purpose of this <br />Agreement, "off-site identification signs" are defined as ad panels that give <br />specific direction to an advertiser's place of business other than the site's <br />EXHIBIT 1