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Page 1 of 2 <br />FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH OUTFRONT MEDIA <br />FOR THE PROVISION OF DIGITAL BILLBOARDS AND DIGITAL BANNERS <br />THIS FIRST AMENDMENT to the above-referenced agreement is entered into on February 4, <br />2025, by and between OUTFRONT Media LLC (“Company”) and the City of Santa Ana, a charter <br />city and municipal corporation organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State <br />of California (“City”). <br />RECITALS <br />A.On April 19, 2022, the Parties entered into Agreement #A-2022-059, by which Company <br />agreed to provide services related to selling advertising through out-of-home media assets <br />– specifically, the development, maintenance and operation of advertising-supported <br />digital billboards and digital banners. The Agreement runs for an initial term of twenty- <br />five (25) years and is current and in-effect. <br />B.Company and City have been working cooperatively since the Effective Date of the above- <br />noted Agreement to pursue the construction and operation of the Advertising Site(s) <br />referenced therein. Through no fault of Company, or the City, certain challenges have been <br />encountered which have extended the anticipated time required to develop the Advertising <br />Site(s) as provided in the Agreement. <br />C.The parties now wish to amend the Termination section in the Agreement to increase the <br />amount of years required to develop the Advertising Site(s) as provided in the Agreement. <br />No other changes are contemplated by this First Amendment. <br />The Parties therefore agree: <br />1.Section 18.a.4, Termination, is hereby amended, and replaced with the following: <br />The failure of the Company to meet the intended objective of this Agreement in <br />constructing and operating at least one Advertising Site within five (5) years from the <br />Effective Date. <br />2. Except as modified by this First Amendment, all terms and conditions of the Agreement <br />shall remain in full force and effect. <br />[signature page to follow] <br />EXHIBIT 1