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SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH DATA TICKET, INC. TO <br />PROVIDE AUTOMATED PARKING CIT ATION PROCESSING <br />THIS SECOND AMENDMENT ("Second Amendment") to Agreement with Data Ticket, {nc. <br />to Provide Automated Parking Citation Processing is entered into on Febniaty 4, 2025, by and <br />between Data Ticket Inc., a California corporation ("Contractor"), and the City of Santa Ana, <br />a charter city and municipal corporation organized and existing under the Constitution and laws <br />of the State of California ("City"). The Contractor and City shall hereinafter be referred to <br />collectively as "the Parties." <br />RECITALS <br />A.On February 15, 2022, the Parties entered into Agreement No. A-2022-022 <br />("Agreement"), by which Contractor agreed to agreed to provide automated parking <br />citation and processing services. The original term of the agreement covers a 3-year <br />period through February 14, 2025, with two one-year extension options. The not to <br />exceed amount of the Agreement was $1,269,648.31. <br />B.On Janciary 16, 2024, the Agreement was amended to increase the compensation by <br />an additional $730,351.69, which brought the total not to exceed amount to <br />$2,000,000. The First Amendment (A-2024-017) was to compensate for additional <br />costs related to increased collection efforts caused by individuals failing to pay their <br />citations. <br />C.Collection Costs continue to grow. The parties now wish to exercise the first option <br />to extend the term of the Agreement for an additional one (l)-year period, to February <br />14, 2026 and increase the total compensation by an additional $840,000 for a total <br />not to exceed amount of $2,840,000 <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and respective promises, and subject <br />to the ternns and conditions of the Agreement, except as hereinafter modified, the Parties <br />agree to the following: <br />1. Section 2, Compensation, shall be amended to increase the compensation for <br />services provided under this Agreement by $840,000. The total amount to be <br />expended during the term of this Agreement shall not exceed $2,840,000. <br />2.Section 3, Term, shall be amended to extend the term of the Agreement to February <br />14, 2026. <br />3.Except as modified by this Second Amendment, all terms and conditions of the <br />Agreement, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect. <br />[Signatures on following page] <br />EXHIBIT 1