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Agency Name <br /> Master Agreement No. 64SantaAnaMA <br /> internal auditors may be relied upon and used by State when planning and <br /> conducting additional audits. <br /> 2. For the purpose of determining compliance with Title 21, California Code of <br /> Regulations, Section 2500 et seq.,when applicable, and other matters connected <br /> with the performance of Recipient's contracts with third parties pursuant to <br /> Government Code section 8546.7, Recipient, Recipient's contractors and <br /> subcontractors, and State shall each maintain and make available for inspection <br /> all books, documents, papers, accounting records, and other evidence <br /> pertaining to the performance of such contracts, including, but not limited to, the <br /> costs of administering those various contracts.All of the above referenced parties <br /> shall make such Agreement and Program Supplement materials available at their <br /> respective offices at all reasonable times during the entire Project period and for <br /> three (3) years from the date of final payment to Recipient under any Program <br /> Supplement. State, the California State Auditor, or any duly authorized <br /> representative of State or the United States Department of Transportation, shall <br /> each have access to any books, records, and documents that are pertinent to <br /> the Project for audits, examinations, excerpts, and transactions, and Recipient <br /> shall furnish copies thereof if requested. <br /> 3. Recipient, its contractors and subcontractors will permit access to all <br /> records of employment, employment advertisements, employment application <br /> forms, and other pertinent data and records by the State Fair Employment <br /> Practices and Housing Commission, or any other agency of the State of California <br /> designated by State, for the purpose of any investigation to ascertain compliance <br /> with this Agreement and the Act. <br /> C. Reporting Requirements <br /> 1 . Reporting requirements of Recipient will include whether reported <br /> implementation activities are within the scope of the Project Program Supplement <br /> and in compliance with State laws, regulations, and administrative requirements. <br /> 2. TIRCP Progress Reporting shall be no more frequently than monthly and no <br /> less frequently than quarterly at the discretion of the State and shall generally <br /> include the following information; <br /> a. Activities and progress made towards implementation of the project <br /> during the reporting period and activities anticipated to take place in the next <br /> reporting period; <br /> b. Identification of whether the Project is proceeding on schedule and <br /> within budget; <br /> Revised as of 9/12/2024 Page 14 <br />