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Agency Name <br /> Master Agreement No. 64SantaAnaMA <br /> 1 .3 "Award Agreement" shall mean a project-specific subcontract to this <br /> agreement executed following Project award and may include Project specific <br /> information, expected outcomes, and deliverables. <br /> 1 .4 "California Department of Transportation" or"Caltrans" or "Department" or <br /> "State" means the State of California, acting by and through its Department of <br /> Transportation of the State of the State of California, and any entity succeeding <br /> to the powers, authorities and responsibilities of the Department invoked by or <br /> under this Agreement or the Program Supplements. <br /> 1.5 "California Transportation Commission" or "CTC" shall refer to the <br /> commission established in 1978 by Assembly Bill 402 (Chapter 1106, Statutes of <br /> 1977). <br /> 1.6 "Effective Date" means the date set forth on page 4 of this Agreement. <br /> 1 .7 "Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds" or "GGRF" shall mean the funds <br /> subject to Chapter 26, Statutes of 2014, authorizing the State to fund capital <br /> improvements and operational investments for California's transit systems and <br /> intercity, commuter, and urban rail systems. <br /> 1 .8 "Senate Bill 1" or "SB 1 " shall mean the funds subject to Chapter 5, Statutes <br /> of 2017, authorizing the State to fund capital improvements and investments for <br /> California's transit systems and intercity, commuter, and urban rail systems. <br /> 1.9 "General Fund" shall mean the funds subject to Chapters 21, 69, and 240, <br /> Statutes of 2021, authorizing the State to fund capital improvements and <br /> investments for California's transit systems and intercity, commuter, and urban rail <br /> systems. <br /> 1 .10 "Overall Funding Plan" has the meaning set forth in Article II, Section <br /> 2(A)(5)(c). <br /> 1.11 "Program Guidelines" shall mean the policy, standards, criteria, and <br /> procedures for the development, adoption and management of the TIRCP <br /> Projects established by CaISTA and provided in Appendix A. <br /> 1 .12 "Program Supplement" shall mean a project-specific subcontract to this <br /> Agreement that is executed following a CTC approved action and includes all <br /> Project specific information needed to encumber funding and shall include <br /> expected outcomes and deliverables. Also referred to as Project Supplement <br /> Agreement. <br /> Revised as of 9/12/2024 Page 6 <br />