Attachment Code: D643741 Master ID: 1138199, Certificate ID: 877838
<br />Property
<br />The following limits applicable to loss or damage as a result of the perils of Flood, Earthquake, and
<br />Named Storm and are the most this policy will pay in any one policy term, for any and all losses,
<br />from any and all of the exposures covered in this policy.
<br />Earth Movement
<br />$5,000,000 Per Occurrence & Annual Aggregate for the peril of Earth Movement
<br />expect:
<br />$1,500,000 Per Occurrence and Annual Aggregate for the peril of Earth
<br />Movement in California, Alaska, Hawaii and/or Puerto Rico
<br />$5,000,000 Per Occurrence and Annual Aggregate for the peril of Earth
<br />Movement in New Madrid Earthquake Zone Counties
<br />$5,000,000 Per Occurrence and Annual Aggregate for the peril of Earth
<br />Movement in Pacific Northwest Earthquake Zone Counties
<br />Flood
<br />$10,000,000 Per Occurrence and Annual Aggregate for the peril of Flood except;
<br />$2,500,000 Per Occurrence and Annual Aggregate for the peril of Flood occurring
<br />wholly or partially within Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA), areas of 100-Year
<br />Flooding, as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
<br />Deductibles:
<br />Earth Movement
<br />$100,000 expect:
<br />5% of TIV, $500K min. any one occurrence, as respects locations in California,
<br />Alaska, Hawaii and/or Puerto Rico
<br />5% of TIV, $250K min. any one occurrence, as respects locations in the New
<br />Madrid Earthquake Zone Counties
<br />5% of TIV, $250K min. any one Occurrence for all covered loss or damage
<br />arising out of Earth Movement in the Pacific Northwest Earthquake Zone
<br />Flood
<br />$100,000 except:
<br />5% of TIV, $500K min. any one occurrence, as respects locations wholly or
<br />partially within Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA), areas of 100-year flooding
<br />as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
<br />Named Storm
<br />$100,000 except:
<br />5% of TIV, $250K min. at each insured location involved in the loss or damage
<br />arising out of a Named Storm (a storm that has been declared by the National
<br />Weather Service to be a Hurricane, Typhoon, Tropical Cyclone, Tropical Storm or
<br />Tropical Depression), regardless of the number of Coverages, Locations or Perils
<br />involved (including but not limited to, all Flood, wind, wind gusts, storm surges,
<br />tornados, cyclones, hail or rain)
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