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B. All safety shoes/boots purchased under this program must meet the requirements under the <br />American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F 2412-05 and F 2413-05, <br />C. If incumbents of a particular classification are is designated as required its-insunsben to <br />wear safety shoes, then it v414 be mandatory c - all incumbents shall of that mot el ass W wear the <br />type of safety shoe (boot or low -quarter) deemed to be appropriate by the Department Head <br />(some exemptions maybe allowed, on a case -by -case basis, depending on the type and amount <br />of exposure to hazard in particular positions) and subject to the approval or disapproval of the <br />Executive Director of Human Resources or designee. <br />15.1 This MOU will expire on November 15,202,4r May 15, 2025. The City is willing to <br />begin negotiations for a successor MOU byTrt, rrh 1, 2024 if roquest@d by February <br />15, 2025.-2024- est aver Feb„.ary 1 2024 <br />the City agrees to begin negotiations within tbifty (30) days of the request to bargai <br />Fw..m the <br />