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As further described in Exhibit A,the scope of work includes installation of a new traffic signal at the <br /> intersection of Segerstrom Avenue & Rosewood Avenue, including traffic signal poles, conduit, wiring, <br /> fiber optic cable, video detection system, signage and striping, and necessary roadway and sidewalk <br /> improvements. In addition, high visibility crosswalks and audible pedestrian signals will be installed to <br /> enhance visibility of crossing pedestrians and bicyclist at the intersection. These Project improvements <br /> will provide a signalized controlled intersection which will enhance the safety of pedestrians and <br /> motorists when traversing this intersection. <br /> II. MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITIES: <br /> The Parties mutually agree to: <br /> a. Designate lead staff to act as the liaisons for the Project. The liaisons and any other Project <br /> personnel, if necessary,will attend and participate in all related Project meetings. <br /> b. Participate, cooperate and coordinate with contractors, consultants, vendors and staff in good <br /> faith using reasonable efforts to resolve any unforeseen issues and disputes arising out of the <br /> Project to the extent practicable with respect to the performance of the Project. <br /> c. Provide on-site support for signal control systems, timing plans, detection systems and related <br /> equipment during construction, installation and integration, and be available to change or adjust <br /> timing plans when necessitated by the Project. <br /> d. Coordinate the inclusion of other reasonably necessary improvements and in-kind services that <br /> the District requires for the implementation of the Project but are not included in the Project <br /> plans and specifications. District shall be responsible for the inclusion of such elements at its <br /> own cost. <br /> III. RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY: <br /> City agrees to the following responsibilities: <br /> a. Preparation of Notice Inviting Bids to elicit competitive bids from qualified contractors for <br /> Project construction. <br /> b. Bid analysis of proposals from qualified contractors and selection of a contractor based on same. <br /> c. Awarding of construction contract to selected contractor. <br /> d. Invoicing for Project to District. <br /> e. Construction contract administration and management. <br /> f. Periodic inspections of contractor progress, as well as labor law compliance. <br /> g. Processing of contractor progress payments. <br /> 2 <br />