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viii. Instructor shall provide all materials, supplies, equipment, records and personnel. <br />Instructor shall be responsible for repairing and maintaining all equipment and <br />supplies, and ensuring that it is in good working condition. Instructor shall ensure <br />clean-up of the facilities and materials to ensure the safety and effectiveness of <br />instruction. The City will not responsible for any damage, repairs, misplaced, or <br />stolen supplies or equipment, and will not be responsible for storing supplies or <br />equipment. <br />C. City Responsibilities: <br />I. City shall manage participant registration and class information through <br />registration software. Instructor shall be granted access to the class roster on the <br />City registration system and is responsible for tracking attendance. <br />ii. City shall collect all enrollment fees through the registration software. Instructor <br />shall not accept enrollment fees directly from a participant, and shall only collect <br />materials fees that are pre -approved by City and published in advance as a part <br />of the program marketing. Such material fees shall be collected by Instructor at <br />the first scheduled class meeting. No additional fees shall be collected for <br />materials, uniforms, awards, etc. without written approval and advanced <br />advertising. <br />iii. City shall provide publicity for class(es) seasonally in the City's recreation <br />magazine (published seasonally). City shall have the sole discretion to decide <br />what information will be included in the recreation magazine about the class and <br />Instructor. Publicity may also include flyers created by City. Instructor created <br />flyers are encouraged, but must be finalized by City to include use of City logos <br />before distribution. <br />iv. City shall provide a location for the class(es). Instructor will request dates and <br />times for the class(es) seasonally, in writing. The City will confirm the class(es) <br />schedule seasonally. Location selection is based on need, size of class, type of <br />activity and availability, and is reserved at the discretion of the City. <br />V. City shall provide refunds to participants when: <br />• The participant formally requests to drop the class before the second <br />schedule class meeting. <br />• The class is canceled by City or Instructor. <br />3 <br />