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-144 <br /> FIRSTCARBON Proposal44111 <br /> SOLUTIONS <br /> FCS INTERNATIONAL,INC. <br /> PROJECT IJNDERSTANDI F <br /> FCS understands that the City is proposing the rezoning of an existing parking lot from General <br /> Agriculture(A1)to Commercial(C2),and the development of a paid parking lot in the City of Santa Ana. <br /> The approximately 3.48-acre project site is located at 1801 E Chestnut Avenue and is bounded by East <br /> Main Street to the south and Interstate 5(1-5)to the north.The project site corresponds with Assessor's <br /> Parcel Number(APN):402-212-01, and is located on the Tustin, California United States Geological <br /> Survey (USGS)7.5-Minute Quadrangle,Township 5 South, Range 9 West,Section 00(Latitude 33°44'34" <br /> North; Longitude 117°50'28"West). <br /> The project site is designated Open Space(OS) by the City of Santa Ana General Plan, and zoned General <br /> Agriculture (A1) by the City of Santa Ana Zoning Ordinance.The project site is currently occupied by an <br /> overflow parking lot serving the Santa Ana Zoo,as well as a small utility building.The proposed project <br /> would include a General Plan Amendment from Open Space(OS)to General Commercial(GC).The <br /> proposed project would also rezone the site from General Agriculture(Al)to Commercial,to allow for <br /> the development of a paid parking lot.The proposed project includes the development of a paid parking <br /> lot with solar parking structures,as well as several paid EV charging stations.The nearest Fire Hazard <br /> Severity Zone is approximately 5.22 miles to the east of the project site.The project site is within an Area <br /> of Minimal Flood Hazard according to FEMA flood mapping. <br /> SCOPE OF WORK <br /> The following tasks are proposed to complete the identified Scope of Work for an IS/MND. <br /> Task 1: Project Initiation and Kick-off Meeting <br /> FCS will review relevant background material,develop an initial data needs list,and coordinate with the <br /> City to schedule a kick-off meeting(it is anticipated that the kick-off meeting will be completed via <br /> teleconference).The intent of the kick-off meeting is to clarify and confirm the details of the Scope of <br /> Work and schedule,obtain copies of the project plans and other relevant information, and identify key <br /> points of contact. FCS will review relevant background documents to ensure project understanding. It is <br /> typically helpful to have all relevant team members attend this call(i.e.,applicant,civil engineering <br /> design team, and general contractor, if applicable). FCS Senior Air Quality Scientist will also attend this <br /> meeting to clarify data needs. FCS will also provide a Request for Information(RFI), which will detail <br /> additional information needed to complete CEQA analyses.A site visit will be conducted as part of the <br /> project initiation process to document existing conditions. <br /> Assumptions <br /> This proposal is based on the assumption that the City and/or Applicant will provide the following <br /> information to FCS: <br /> 9 Engineering CAD files of existing and proposed site plans and building evaluations in the following <br /> format: <br /> NORTHA4ERICA I EUROPE I AFRICA I AUSTRALIA I ASIA <br /> FIRSTCARBONSOLUTIONS.COM <br />