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PUBLIC HEARING <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS — Members of the public may address the City Council on each of the <br />Public Hearing items. <br />17. Public Hearing for Five -Year Economic Development Subsidy Reports for TACenergy <br />and THRIVE Santa Ana, LLC <br />Legal notice published in the OC Reporter on February 5, 2025. <br />Department(s): Community Development Agency <br />Recommended Action: 1. Conduct Public Hearing to consider any written or oral <br />comments on the information contained in the Five -Year Economic Development <br />Subsidy reports for TACenergy and THRIVE Santa Ana, LLC. <br />2. Receive and File Reports. <br />COUNCILMEMBER REQUESTED ITEMS <br />18. Discuss and consider directing the City Manager to direct city staff to bring back the <br />attached Resolution for Council consideration that would OPPOSE South Coast Air <br />Quality Management District's (SCAQMD) proposed Amended Rules 1111 and 1121; <br />Which will have a profound impact and impose significant costs on millions of <br />Southern California homeowners, renters and businesses who are already struggling <br />to make ends meet while providing minimal air quality benefit. — Councilmember <br />David Penaloza <br />I WORK STUDY SESSION <br />19. Work Study Session for Parking Enterprise Fund 27 <br />Department(s): Community Development Agency <br />Recommended Action: Discuss and provide direction to staff for budget, rates, and <br />hours of operation that relate to the Parking Enterprise Fund 27. <br />CITY MANAGER COMMENTS <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />AB1234 DISCLOSURE — If the City paid for travel or other expenses this is the time for <br />members of the Council to provide a brief oral report on attendance of any regional board or <br />commission meeting or any conference, meeting or event attended. <br />ADJOURNMENT — Adjourn the City Council meeting. <br />Page 10 2/18/2025 <br />