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<br />Flores, Dora <br />From:Michael Mavrovouniotis <> <br />Sent:Tuesday, February 11, 2025 <br />To:eComment <br />Subject:CITY COUNCIL, GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT (OC Animal Care) <br /> Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution when opening attachments or links. <br /> <br />See today’s article at the bottom of this comment. <br />- You, city taxpayers, paid for the animal shelter’s 2018 Strategic Plan. <br />- This plan you paid for was not implemented. Instead, the county delivered worse services at higher costs. <br />- The county passes over 90% of the costs to cities. It’s effectively a cost-plus contract. No matter how wasteful their policies <br />are, they bill you, and you pay. <br />- Now they say they want a “new” plan… which you will also pay for. <br />- They will then ask you to renew your 10-year contract based on this “new” plan, never mind that they didn’t implement the <br />last one. The “new” plan is just a facade to get you to sign the renewal. <br />- And once you sign the new contract, they can bury the new plan just like they buried the last one. <br /> <br />Any city that is not exploring other options will end up being at the county’s mercy and will be forced to sign another bad <br />contract. <br />A well-managed city won’t with until the last minute, when no options are available. <br /> <br />Tell your city to consider other options NOW: <br />- Ask the county to let non-profits bid to run the existing shelter (at a lower cost and better services). <br />- Look at establishing your own shelter, with nearby cities <br />- Look at local non-profits in or near your city that can bid for this service <br /> <br />We’re about to find out which cities are well-managed, and which are not. <br /> <br />Voice of OC, February 11, 2025 <br />Will Orange County’s Animal Shelter Overhaul its Operations? <br /> <br />Excerpts: <br />The county-run shelter’s current Strategic Plan, which lays out the facility’s priorities, was created in 2018. <br />Last year, county leaders launched a process to take input and figure out how they can improve their procedures. The county <br />issued a call for bids to find a consultant to review the Strategic Plan, identify trends in the animal care industry and facilitate <br />community engagement. <br />Only one consultant responded — Citygate Associates, a company that provides services across various local government <br />functions including police, fire and EMS, community development and administrative services. The group lists animal care as <br />one of its 15 services offered to local governments. <br />County spokesperson Molly Nichelson stated in a Friday afternoon email that the contract is currently being finalized and will <br />not require approval from the Board of Supervisors as long as the total amount is less than $200,000. <br />Critics spent years calling for a more open shelter, arguing that the shelter’s appointment-based system was decreasing the <br />number of adoptions while also increasing kill rates. <br />Michael Mavrovouniotis, an Irvine resident and former shelter volunteer, has been calling for the shelter to follow its 2018 <br />Strategic Plan for years. <br />“The county bureaucracy wants to spend taxpayer dollars to bring some random consultant to create a ‘new’ plan,” <br />Mavrovouniotis stated. “They say it’s because of COVID. Do other county agencies have permission to fail at their job — and <br />use COVID as the excuse?” <br />He said the shelter doesn’t need a new plan since the previous one was created by leading experts in the field of animal <br />sheltering. <br />1 <br /> <br />
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