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First Street Multimodal Boulevard Study <br />February 18, 2025 <br />Page 2 <br />4 <br />8 <br />3 <br />1 <br />commitments through strengthened partnerships between the state, its regions, and <br />local entities. REAP 2.0 seeks to accelerate infill housing developments, reduce Vehicle <br />Miles Traveled, increase housing supply at all affordability levels, affirmatively further <br />fair housing, and facilitate the implementation of adopted regional and local plans to <br />achieve these goals. <br />On July 6, 2023, SCAG awarded OCTA $11 million in state funding REAP 2.0 grant <br />funds for 11 OCTA planning, outreach, transit, active transportation, and transit signal <br />priority projects, which included funding for the First Street Boulevard Multimodal Study. <br />The First Street Multimodal Boulevard Study will look at options to enhance <br />transportation along First Street by assessing the feasibility of various infrastructure <br />improvements through robust community outreach efforts, field data analyses, and <br />computer modeling. The General Plan, Mobility Element classifies this segment of <br />First Street as a Primary Arterial with a Class IV Cycle Track. A Primary Arterial is <br />characterized as a street with four travel lanes and a center median. A Class IV Cycle <br />Track is a bicycle lane separated and protected from vehicle travel lanes by barriers <br />such as concrete medians. The study evaluates pedestrian, bicycle, and transit <br />improvements that promote safety and transportation goals consistent with the City’s <br />General Plan. These potential improvements will benefit the Santa Ana residents who <br />utilize OCTA’s Route 64, one of the highest ridership bus routes in Orange County. <br />Route 64 services Orange County bus riders from the Westminster Mall to the Larwin <br />Square Shopping Mall in Tustin while traversing right through the heart of the City of <br />Santa Ana on First Street. The deliverables and projected schedule under this <br />planning grant are as follows: <br />•Award Consultant Contract (April 2025) <br />•Analyses and Assessment (April – December 2025) <br />•Outreach and Engagement (June – October 2025) <br />•Conceptual Planning (April – December 2025) <br />•Engineered Plan Production (January – June 2026) <br />Under the proposed cooperative agreement (Exhibit 1), the City agrees to complete <br />the study per the scope and guidelines approved by SCAG (Exhibit 2). The study will <br />include City in-house engineering project management and procurement of <br />consultants with up to $430,000 set aside to reimburse the City for staff time spent on <br />the study. Funds will be issued to the City on a reimbursement basis. An amendment <br />to the FY 24/25 Capital Improvements Program (Exhibit 3) is necessary to properly <br />document the additional project and funding in the current fiscal year. <br />Staff will return to Council for approval of the recommended improvements prior to <br />advancing to the final engineering plan production phase (December 2025). The study <br />must be completed by June 30, 2026. There is no requirement to construct the