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COMMISSIONER COMMENTS <br />Minutes: Commissioner Hernandez thanked everyone for a great meeting. <br />Commissioner Parra-Diaz requested an agenda item for the next meeting to address how to get <br />the Youth Commission more involved in City activities and introduced to the community. <br />CommissionerPham reported on a clothing/food drive planned at herschool that they would like <br />to open up to the entire City upon approval by school administration and asked if the City could <br />help promote the event. <br />Commissioner Ramirez thanked everyone for a great first meeting for him, expressed his <br />excitement about working together, and asked for an agenda item at the next meeting to <br />considerhow the Commission may be able to highlight organizations impacting youth in the <br />City. <br />Vice Chairperson Benitez welcomed CommissionerRamirez and expressed excitement for the <br />projects and park updates. <br />Chairperson Malfavon welcomed Commissioner Ramirez, looked forward to working together, <br />thanked staff for the presentations, and wished everyone a good and safe Thanksgiving with <br />their loved ones. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Minutes: Chairperson Malfavon adjourned the Youth Commission meeting at 7:18 P.M. <br />Respectfully submitted: <br />enn II, CMC <br />tary <br />Youth Commission 4 11 /1 8/2024