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Cartridge Filters and Chlorine Filters <br />February 18, 2025 <br />Page 2 <br />4 <br />8 <br />3 <br />9 <br />In response, PFAS treatment facilities are being constructed at affected City water <br />production sites. These treatment facilities utilize ion exchange (IX) treatment to remove <br />PFAS from the water to levels below the MCL, allowing the treated water to be supplied <br />to the distribution system. The IX treatment facilities require specialized pre-treatment <br />cartridge filters in order to remove small solids and sediments, five micron or greater, in <br />the water prior to the water entering the IX vessels. The cartridge filters are critical to <br />the PFAS treatment facilities’ operation because they prevent solids and sediment from <br />damaging the IX vessel’s ability to remove PFAS from water. <br />Prior to publishing bids, the City’s Finance & Management Services Agency (Finance) <br />Purchasing Division works with the end use to determine department needs for supplies <br />and materials. The availability of raw materials and lead times are also factored when <br />establishing contract terms. In the case of cartridge filters, Finance and PWA staff <br />determined the contract term of one-year and four, one-year renewal options as the <br />most responsive term for potential market fluctuation. <br />These pre-treatment cartridge filters typically last one to three months on average, and <br />each replacement requires a minimum of 24 to 36 filters for one facility. The City plans <br />to have eight PFAS treatment facilities online within the next five years. Consequently, <br />the City will require multiple means of purchasing filters in order for the PFAS treatment <br />facilities to operate effectively and efficiently long term. It is imperative the City has <br />multiple avenues of purchasing these critical filters due to the PFAS treatment facilities <br />being unable to operate without them. As a result, the City’s Water Resources Division <br />posted Invitation for Bids (IFB) No. 24-128 on October 28, 2024 on the City’s online bid <br />management and publication system to procure such services. A summary of vendor <br />participation and results is as follows: <br />28 Vendors notified <br />4 Santa Ana vendors notified <br />16 Vendors downloaded the bid packet <br />5 Bids received <br />0 Bids received from Santa Ana vendors <br />Bids were solicited, opened on November 21, 2024, and evaluated (Exhibit 1). Five bids <br />were submitted by the IFB deadline, and three were determined to be responsive to the <br />specifications and met the City’s requirements. The bids submitted by BRW <br />Corporation and Ryan Herco Flow Solutions were deemed non-responsive as they did <br />not meet IFB specifications. To ensure sufficient resources for cartridge filters are <br />available at all times, staff recommends awarding aggregate purchase order contracts <br />to Fil-Trek Corporation, Pure Process Filtration Inc., and Vytal Filtration Technologies- <br />West. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />There is no environmental impact associated with this action.