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Item 08 - Workforce Development Board Bylaws
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 08 - Workforce Development Board Bylaws
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2/12/2025 10:49:34 AM
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2/12/2025 10:48:27 AM
City Clerk
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Page 5 of 8 <br /> <br />the WDB. Such actions taken by the Executive Committee shall be ratified <br />by the WDB at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Such actions shall be <br />noticed to all WDB members within seven (7) working days. In the event a <br />WDB member takes exception to said action of the Executive Committee, <br />the Chairperson shall convene a special meeting of the WDB to resolve the <br />issue. <br /> <br />Article VII. Standing Committees of the WDB <br /> <br /> Section l. The standing committees of the WDB are: the Youth Council <br />Committee, the Business Resources Committee and the Program <br />Oversight and Performance Committee. The Chair shall appoint the chair <br />of each standing committee from amongst members of the WDB in good <br />standing. The chair of each standing committee shall, with the concurrence <br />of the WDB Chair, appoint the members of each standing committee. <br /> <br />Every member of the WDB is encouraged to participate as a member of at <br />least one standing committee. WDB members may volunteer for committee <br />participation or are assigned by the WDB Chair. <br /> <br />Non-WDB members may actively participate on standing committees per <br />WIOA Section 107(b)(4) at the invitation of the WDB Chair or Committee <br />Chair, including voting privileges at the committee level, but shall have no <br />voting privileges on the WDB <br /> <br />Section 2. Standing committees shall meet as established by the committee <br />or as deemed necessary by the Committee Chairperson to conduct the <br />business of the committee <br /> <br />Section 3. The Chairperson of each standing committee shall be a member <br />of the WDB, and be elected by the members of the individual committee. <br />(“Committee Chairperson”). The Executive Committee shall oversee seating <br />of all members of standing committees toward a goal of a mix of public and <br />private members and avoidance of a real or perceived conflict of interest. <br /> <br /> Section 4. The Committee Chairperson shall select a Vice-Chairperson from <br />among the WDB members assigned to the committee. The Committee <br />Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall each be members of the Executive <br />Committee. The Vice-Chairperson shall chair the committee, and perform <br />other duties as necessary, in the absence of the Chairperson. <br /> <br />Section 5. Every member of the WDB is encouraged to actively participate <br />as a member of at least one (1) standing committee. WDB members may <br />select committee participation, or are assigned by the Executive Committee. <br />Non-WDB members may actively participate on standing committees at the <br />invitation of the Committee Chairperson, including voting privileges at <br />committee level, but shall have no voting privileges on WDB. <br /> <br />Section 6. Other ad-hoc committees may be created by the WDB <br />Chairperson for such particular purposes as may be deemed necessary or <br />EXHIBIT 1
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