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<br />Gastelo, Edna <br />From:Charles Aanenson <> <br />Sent:Thursday, February <br />To:!City Clerk <br />Cc:Charles Aanenson <br />Subject:Opposition to Proposed Rules 1111 and 1121 <br /> Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution when opening attachments or links. <br />Dear Honorable Clerk and Board: <br /> <br /> I wish to express my opposition to the proposed rules 1111 and 1121. <br /> <br />As a housing provider we believe that the exorbitant costs to replace existing gas powered water heaters and <br />furnaces will only make housing less affordable. <br /> <br />My family and I are also opposed to the fact that this will likely displace countless residents while these units <br />are replaced. <br /> <br />We find that this is environmentally insensitive to take existing operationally dependable furnaces and water <br />heaters when they are useful and safe. <br />This frivolous waste is antithetical to the concept of conservation. <br />Please record my opposition. <br /> <br />Pleaes consider the already burdened tenants in the multifamily units across this state that can no longer afford <br />these impositions. <br /> <br />Respectfully, <br /> Charles Aanenson <br />1 <br />