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thence along said existing Tustin City boundary North 89° 51' 49" <br />East, a distance of 111.63 feet to an angle point in said City <br />boundary; thence along said existing Tustin City boundary South <br />0° 19' 45" West, a distance of 64.27 feet to an angle point in <br />said Tustin City boundary and to a point on the Northwest line of <br />Newport Avenue, said Northwest line being 30.00 feet Northwesterly, <br />measured at right angles, from the center line of Newport Avenue; <br />thence departing from said Tustin City boundary and running along <br />said Northwest line of Newport Avenue South 39 48' 55" West, a <br />distance of 207.00 feet, more or less, to a point on the Northwest <br />line of Newport Avenue that is 60.00 feet Southwesterly from the <br />Northwesterly extension of the center line of Edinger Avenue as <br />Edinger Avenue is described in a deed to the County of Orange <br />recorded September 7, 1960, in Book 5406, page 473, Official Records <br />of said Orange County; thence South 50° 11' 05" East, a distance of <br />60.00 feet to an angle point in the Southeast line of said Newport <br />Avenue said Southeast line being 30.00 feet Southeasterly, measured <br />at right angles, from the center line of Newport Avenue as said <br />Newport Avenue is shown on a map of survey recorded in Book 34, <br />page 17, Records of Survey of Orange County, California, the center <br />line of said Newport Avenue being the Northwest line of "Irvine's <br />Subdivision", as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 1, page 88, <br />Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said County, and to an angle point <br />in the existing City boundary of the City of Tustin as said <br />boundary was established by "Warner-Sycamore Annexation", <br />Ordinance 245; thence along said existing Tustin City boundary <br />South 39° 48' 55" West, a distance of 3,510.00 feet, more or less, <br />to the Northeasterly line of that certain parcel of land described <br />in a deed to the State of California, recorded February 15, 1962, <br />in Book 6009, page 427, Official Records of said Orange County, <br />said Northeasterly line also being on the Northeast line of Lot 96 <br />of Block 10 in said "Irvine's Subdivision"; thence departing frc~ <br />said Tustin City boundary and running North 49° 20' 48" West, a <br />distance of 60.00 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the <br />Northwest line of Newport Avenue, said Northwest line being 30.00 <br />feet Northwesterly, measured at right angles, from the center line <br />of Newport Avenue, with the Westerly line of Ritchey Street, said <br />Westerly line being 25.00 feet Westerly, measured at right angles, <br />from the center line of Ritchey Street as said Newport Avenue and <br />Ritchey Street is shown on said survey recorded in Book 34, page 17, <br />Records of Survey of said Orange County; thence North 0° 31' 00" <br />East along said Westerly line of Ritchey Street, a distance of <br />233.11 feet to an angle point, said angle point being 25.00 feet <br />Westerly, measured at right angles, from a point on the center <br />line of Ritchey Street which is North 0° 31' 00" East measured <br />along said center line of Ritchey, 249.57 feet from the inter- <br />section of the center line of Newport Avenue with the center line <br />of Ritchey as shown on said survey recorded in Book 34, rage 17, <br />Records of Survey of said Orange County; thence South 89 41' 53" <br />West, a distance of 1131.68 feet to the West line of the land <br />conveyed to Cood Adams by deed recorded October 23, 1909, in <br />Book 168, page 171 of Deeds, records of said Orange County, and to <br />the city boundary of the City of Santa Ana as established by the <br />"Industrial Annex", Ordinance NS-134; thence North along the East <br />line of said "Industrial Annex", a distance of 3,647.93 feet, more <br />or less, to the Northeast corner of said "Industrial Annex" and <br />along the city boundary of Santa Ana and to an angle point in that <br />territory annexed to the City of Santa Ana by the original annexa- <br />tion to Santa Aha by "Ordinance 73"; thence North along said city <br />boundary and along the boundary of that territory annexed to the <br />City of Santa Aha by said "Ordinance 73", a distance of 5 chains <br />(330 feet) to an angle point in said existing city boundary, said <br />angle point being the Southwest corner of the "McFadden and Lyon <br />Southeast Annex", Ordinance NS-312, said Southwest corner also being <br />on the North line of Section 20, Township 5 South, Range 9 West, <br />San Bernardino Base and Meridian, and to the South line of a Record <br />of Survey as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 45, page 50, <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br /> <br />