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G) PRYME INFIL <br /> Live-User Agreement and Official Quote <br /> 6. Payment Terms. <br /> (a) Invoices and Payment Timing. With the exception of the Initial Fee, which <br /> is payable on the Commencement Date, invoices for the annual User Fees due during the Term <br /> will be sent thirty(30) calendar days prior to the beginning of each year of the Term. Invoices are <br /> due upon receipt subject to a thirty (30) day grace period. If payment is not received by Pryme <br /> Infil by the end of the grace period, Pryme Infil may suspend, lock, or restrict User access to the <br /> App and services in its sole discretion until payment is made. If payment is not made within thirty <br /> (30) days of Customer's receipt of an invoice, this Agreement Pryme Infil may terminate this <br /> Agreement immediately subject to the provisions of Section 7, below. <br /> (b) True-Up. The User Fees are calculated based on brackets consisting of a <br /> range of Users. Customer shall pay the same User Fees for any number of Users in that same <br /> bracket(as identified in the Summary of Terms)unless and until the number of Users exceeds their <br /> existing bracket. If at any point during the Term, the Customer increases its Users such that the <br /> number of Users moves into a new bracket,the User Fees for the next Term year shall be adjusted <br /> and likewise Customer shall be required to pay a pro rata portion of the User Fee from the prior <br /> year calculated from the date when the bracket increase occurred in said prior year. For example, <br /> if in September of Year 2 of the Term, the Customer's Users increase from 24 to 30, then the <br /> invoice generated for Year 3 shall include the new adjusted User Fee for Year 3, and shall also <br /> include charges for the difference in the User Fees in Year 2 based on the change in bracket, <br /> prorated for the four months in Year 2 that the Users exceeded the original bracket. A true-up of <br /> Customer Users shall be performed at the end of each year of the Term and the change in User <br /> Fees, if any, shall be included in the next annual invoice for payment. Pryme Infil shall include <br /> sufficient detail in the invoice to support its calculation of Users and User Fees. Customer attests <br /> that it has read and understands this section, agrees to the adjustment of User Fees based on the <br /> bracket system noted above, and further agrees to payment of prorated fees for prior years as set <br /> forth herein. <br /> Initials Required: <br /> (c) Capped Annual Technology Increase. Potentially commencing in Year 2 <br /> and each year thereafter this initial Agreement, the User Fee may be proportionately increased to <br /> account for increases in the cost of technology associated with the Application;provided,however <br /> that Pryme Infil will have the right to adjust the User Fee by no more than five percent(5%)of the <br /> total amount paid by Customer to Pryme Infil in the previous year. Such totals shall not be based <br /> any discounted pricing; but rather the true total amount. Any increase imposed pursuant to this <br /> section shall be reflected on the invoice for the year in which the increase will occur pursuant to <br /> the terms of Section 6(a). <br /> (d) Automatic Renewal.Not applicable to this agreement. <br /> 7. Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the <br /> Commencement Date and will continue in effect for the Term (one (1) calendar year); provided <br /> that prior to any anniversary of the Commencement Date during the Term,Customer may provide <br /> thirty(30)days prior written notice of its intent to terminate this Agreement before the next year <br /> of the Terms begins (pertaining to a multi-year term or automatic renewal). If Customer gives <br /> 4 <br />