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Payment Terms <br />Payment due within 30 days <br />IF YOUR ORGANIZATION REQUIRES A PURCHASE ORDER, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR FINANCE DEPARTMENT TO BEGIN THE APPROVAL <br />PROCESS TO AVOID PAYMENT DELAYS. <br />All quotations are valid for ninety -days (90) from the date above, unless otherwise stated in this quotation form. All prices quoted are in <br />USD, unless specifically provided otherwise, above. These prices and terms are valid only for items purchased for use and delivery for <br />the Customers listed above. <br />Unless otherwise referenced, this quotation is for the Cityworks software products referenced above only. Pricing for implementation <br />services (installation, configuration, training, etc.), or other software applications is provided separately and upon request. <br />The procurement, installation and administration of the Esri software or any other third -party software utilized in conjunction with <br />Cityworks will be the responsibility of the Customer. <br />For "on-prem" installations, the procurement, installation and administration of the RDBMS utilized in conjunction with Cityworks <br />will be the responsibility of the Customer. Currently, Cityworks supports Oracle and SQL Server. The procurement, installation and <br />administration of the infrastructure <br />(hardware and networking) utilized in conjunction with Cityworks will be the responsibility of the Customer. <br />This quotation and the pricing information herein is confidential and proprietary and may not be copied or released other than for the <br />express purpose of the current system Software and Product selection and purchase. This information may not be given to outside <br />parties or used for any other purpose without written consent from Azteca Systems, LLC or unless otherwise specifically permitted by <br />law. If a "public access" or similar request is made, Customer, shall notify Azteca Systems, prior to any disclosure. <br />Software Licensing <br />All Azteca Systems software offered in this quotation are commercial off -the -shelf (COTS) software developed at private expense, and <br />is subject to the terms and conditions of the signed "Cityworks Software License and Maintenance Agreement" ("Agreement") and any <br />and all addendums or amendments thereto. A fully executed copy of the Agreement and any addendum(s) is required before delivery <br />and installation and usage of the software is subject to the terms of the current license agreement. <br />The terms and conditions of the executed Cityworks Software License Agreement apply to this Quote unless otherwise specifically <br />stated herein. Any additional or conflicting terms set forth in any purchase orders, invoices, or other standard form documents <br />exchanged during the ordering process, other than product descriptions, quantities, pricing, and dates are void and of no effect. <br />Delivery method is by way of download through Azteca Systems, LLC. customer support web portal. <br />Taxes <br />Prices quoted do not include any applicable state, sales, local, or use taxes unless so stated. In preparing your budget and/or Purchase <br />Order, please allow for any applicable taxes, including, sales, state, local or use taxes as necessary. Azteca Systems reserves the <br />right to collect any applicable sales, use or other taxes tax assessed by or as required by law. Azteca Systems reserves the right to <br />add any applicable tax to the invoice, unless proof with the order is shown that your organization or entity is tax exempt or if it pays any <br />applicable tax directly. <br />International Customers <br />These items are controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the <br />ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. They may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country <br />or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into <br />other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations. <br />Your signature in 'sates your acc an a of this Quote, and that you have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions <br />set forth a ove. <br />ccepted by: Alvaro Nunez <br />€;tie City Manager <br />