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2. Employees are to be compensated at a comparable wage for each position. EXHIBIT 1 <br />3. Provide adequate staffing and supervision with appropriate ongoing staff training. <br />4. Employees are expected to wear identifying badges or uniforms while working. <br />a. The City, however, is willing to pay for some uniform fees. Proposers may add these fees <br />as part of their cost proposal. <br />E. JOINT COORDINATION/PARTICIPATION <br />1. Contractor must coordinate and participate with the following agencies: <br />a. Orange County Continuum of Care and related programs and operators; <br />b. Santa Ana Quality of Life Team (QOLT); <br />c. City of Santa Ana Homeless Services Division; and <br />d. Operator of the Santa Ana Navigation Center. <br />2. The Contractor will coordinate closely with the Operator of the City's Navigation Center and will <br />participate in monthly Outreach and Operation Team meetings. <br />3. The work of the Contactor's teams will be coordinated through with City of Santa Ana Homeless <br />Services Department of the Community Development Agency. <br />4. The Contractor's teams will also work with staff from the Santa Ana Housing Authority to assist <br />clients in getting document -ready for affordable housing opportunities. <br />5. The Contractor will coordinate with the City of Santa Ana Housing Authority, Orange County Social <br />Service Agencies, and nonprofit organizations, as appropriate. <br />6. Participation in the Coordinated Entry System (CES). <br />