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NCA 70 05 01 18 <br />six months. If a new original equipment vehicle <br />manufacturer part is not in production or <br />distribution we may use a like, kind and quality <br />replacement part. <br />O. DEDUCTIBLE AMENDMENTS <br />The following are added to the Deductible <br />provision of SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE <br />COVERAGE: <br />If another policy or coverage form that is not an <br />automobile policy or coverage form issued by this <br />company applies to the same "accident", the <br />following applies: <br />1. If the deductible under this coverage is the <br />smaller (or smallest) deductible, it will be <br />waived: <br />2. If the deductible under this coverage is not the <br />smaller (or smallest) deductible, it will be <br />reduced by the amount of the smaller (or <br />smallest) deductible. <br />If a Comprehensive or Specified Causes of Loss <br />Coverage "loss" from one "accident" involves two <br />or more covered "autos", only the highest <br />deductible applicable to those coverages will be <br />applied to the "accident," if the cause of the loss is <br />covered for those vehicles. This provision only <br />applies if you carry Comprehensive or Specified <br />Causes of Loss Coverage for those vehicles, and <br />does not extend coverage to any covered "autos" <br />for which you do not carry such coverage. <br />No deductible applies to glass if the glass is <br />repaired, in a manner acceptable to us, rather than <br />replaced. <br />P. RENTAL REIMBURSEMENT COVERAGE <br />1. This coverage applies only to a covered "auto" <br />for which Physical Damage Coverage is <br />provided on this policy. <br />2. We will pay for rental reimbursement expenses <br />incurred by you for the rental of an "auto" <br />because of "loss" to a covered "auto". Payment <br />applies in addition to the otherwise applicable <br />amount of each coverage you have on a <br />covered "auto." No deductibles apply to this <br />coverage. <br />3. We will pay only for those expenses incurred <br />during the policy period beginning 24 hours <br />after the "loss" and ending, regardless of the <br />policy's expiration, with the lesser of the <br />following number of days: <br />b. The number of days shown in the <br />Schedule. <br />4. Our payment is limited to the lesser of the <br />following amounts: <br />a. Necessary and actual expenses incurred. <br />b. $75 for any one day or for a maximum of <br />30 days. <br />5. This coverage does not apply while there are <br />spare or reserve "autos" available to you for <br />your operations. <br />6. If "loss" results from the total theft of a covered <br />"auto" of the private passenger type, we will <br />pay under this coverage only that amount of <br />your rental reimbursement expenses which is <br />not already provided for under SECTION III — <br />PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE Coverage <br />Extension. <br />Q. EXPANDED TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE <br />Paragraph A.4.a. of SECTION III — PHYSICAL <br />DAMAGE COVERAGE is replaced by the <br />following: <br />We will pay up to $50 per day to a maximum of <br />$1500 for temporary transportation expense <br />incurred by you because of the total theft of a <br />covered "auto" of the private passenger type. We <br />will only pay for those covered "autos" for which <br />you carry Comprehensive or Specified Causes of <br />Loss Coverage. We will pay for temporary <br />transportation expenses incurred during the period <br />beginning 24 hours after the theft and ending, <br />regardless of the policy's expiration, when the <br />covered "auto" is returned to use or we pay for its <br />"loss". <br />R. EXTRA EXPENSE — STOLEN AUTOS <br />The following paragraph is added to Coverage <br />Extensions of SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE <br />COVERAGE: <br />c. We will pay for up to $5,000 for the expense of <br />returning a stolen covered "auto" to you. We <br />will pay only for those covered "autos" for <br />which you carry Comprehensive or Specified <br />Causes of Loss Coverage <br />S. PHYSICAL DAMAGE LIMIT OF INSURANCE <br />Under SECTION III — <br />COVERAGE, Paragraph <br />replaced by the following: <br />C. Limit Of Insurance <br />PHYSICAL DAMAGE <br />C., Limit of Insurance is <br />a. The number of days reasonably required 1. The most we will pay for "loss" in any one <br />to repair or replace the covered "auto". If "accident" is the lesser of: <br />"loss" is caused by theft, this number of a. The actual cash value of the damaged <br />days is added to the number of days it or stolen property as of the time of the <br />takes to locate the covered "auto" and "loss", or <br />return it to you. <br />Page 4 of 6 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance services Office, Inc., with its permission. NCA 70 05 01 18 <br />