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Item 18 - Approve a Pre-Commitment for HOME Program Funds
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 18 - Approve a Pre-Commitment for HOME Program Funds
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Last modified
2/26/2025 11:45:44 AM
Creation date
2/26/2025 9:38:26 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Community Development
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Pre-Commitments of $10,727,571 of Affordable Housing Funds for Habitat for Humanity <br />March 4, 2025 <br />Page 4 <br />4 <br />8 <br />5 <br />0 <br />There will be two parking spaces adjacent and dedicated to each home (one enclosed <br />and one surface). There will also be 16 additional surface parking stalls for guests, <br />including two ADA-accessible stalls. <br />The overall design and materials of the new construction will be compatible with and <br />complement the variation of styles within the neighborhood. Overall, the project will <br />include a design and quality construction materials that will ensure that the project ages <br />well for the duration of the building’s lifetime. Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. (“KMA”) <br />estimates the low income affordable sales prices at $300,200 and Habitat for Humanity <br />is currently estimating the moderate income affordable sales prices at $389,500. <br />This project is being developed in partnership with Bill Taormina who is the current <br />owner of the land. Mr. Taormina will be holding title of the land through the entitlement <br />and building process. As such, he will continue to be responsible for holding costs and <br />pay for the property taxes and required insurance for the duration of the project and up <br />until the new homes are sold. Habitat for Humanity and Mr. Taormina have entered into <br />a Memorandum of Understanding with the agreed upon terms and details of the <br />partnership and land purchase. <br />The project will require relocation of the existing religious organizations currently <br />occupying and renting the existing structures on the property in compliance with the <br />federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act <br />(“Uniform Relocation Act”), and all state and local relocation requirements. Currently, <br />three religious organizations rent the existing structures including Faith Community <br />Church of Santa Ana, Fundamentalist Baptist Church, and Turning Point Fellowship. <br />These tenants will be provided relocation assistance that complies with the federal <br />Uniform Relocation Act as required by the HOME Program federal funds. Per Habitat for <br />Humanity, Federal relocation requirements stipulate that the maximum relocation <br />assistance for businesses is $53,200 plus three months of rent payments, if required. <br />As such, Habitat for Humanity estimates the total relocation assistance at $213,000. <br />Once the three religious organizations vacate the existing structures, Habitat for <br />Humanity will pay Mr. Taormina the rent paid by the vacating occupants and begin the <br />process to demolish the buildings. <br />From an initial review of the project by the City’s Planning and Building Agency, the <br />timeline for processing the application and obtaining necessary approvals is expected to <br />take approximately seven (7) to 12 months. The property is currently zoned as LR-7 <br />(Low Density Residential, seven (7) units per acre). To the extent required under state <br />housing laws, Habitat for Humanity may need to request a General Plan Amendment <br />and zone change. Habitat for Humanity may also be required to comply with the City’s <br />Sunshine Ordinance, which includes holding two community meetings. A California <br />Environmental Quality Act review may be required and a Density Bonus Agreement <br />may also be necessary, depending on the concessions and waivers needed for the <br />development of the project.
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