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Councilmember Requested Item <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />CITY ATTORNEY <br />Sonia R. Carvalho <br />CITY MANAGER <br />Alvaro Nuñez <br />CITY CLERK <br />Jennifer L. Hall <br /> <br />20 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA - P.O. BOX 1988, M-31 - SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702 <br />TELEPHONE (714) 647-6900 - FAX (714) 647-6954 - <br /> <br />individuals who have violated State and Federal campaign laws to attempt to operate in the city <br />by hiding their identities behind a corporate entity and thus evade public scrutiny. <br /> <br />If the public sought to learn whether a developer had pending or prior FPPC or FEC violations, <br />fines, or enforcement actions, they would have to search the FPPC and FEC website for the <br />applicant listed on the application, but that applicant could be a corporate entity, and it would not <br />be clear if the principal partners or agents had pending or prior violations. Almost anything the <br />public may want to learn about a developer would require a level of sophistication and dedication <br />beyond what can or should be reasonably expected of the public. <br /> <br />Consumers can search professional trade organizations’ databases and easily verify <br />professional licenses and disciplinary action against licensees by those organizations. Attorney <br />licenses and discipline can be verified on State Bar websites. Medical, nursing, and other <br />healthcare licenses can be verified through the Medical Board of California. Accounting and <br />other professional licenses can be verified on the California Department of Consumer Affairs <br />website. Unfortunately, those databases do not list pending or prior FPPC or FEC violations and <br />many professionals respond to the City’s requests for contracted services. <br /> <br />I therefore request that the City Council direct the City Manager to direct City staff to draft and <br />bring back an ordinance for Council consideration that would require applicants for contracts, <br />licenses, permits, or other entitlements for use, including any person who files an application for, <br />or is the subject of, a proceeding involving a contract, license, permit, or other entitlement for <br />use, and any person who actively supports or opposes a particular decision in a proceeding <br />involving a contract, license, permit, or other entitlement for use and who has a financial interest <br />in the decision to disclose pending or prior FPPC and FEC violations, fines, and enforcement <br />actions and that those disclosures appear on any notices for public meetings, hearings, and staff <br />reports related to the application. <br /> <br />SUBMITTED BY <br />Councilmember Phil Bacerra