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FY24-25 Mid-Year Budget Update, Appropriation Requests, and Workforce Changes <br />March 4,2025 <br />Page 16 <br />4 <br />8 <br />6 <br />7 <br />The Payroll and Retirement funds manage both inflows and outflows related to employee <br />and employer contributions for benefits. Inflows primarily consist of employee payroll <br />deductions and City-paid contributions, including amounts earmarked for CalPERS and <br />other employee benefits such as health insurance and deferred compensation plans. <br />Outflows include payments to CalPERS for pension obligations, as well as disbursements <br />to other benefit providers. <br />Over the past ten years, residual balances have accumulated within these funds due to <br />one-time transactions, such as retroactive pay adjustments, benefit corrections, and <br />payroll reconciliations. These variances have arisen from differences between <br />calculations for these one-off transactions and the actual payments processed by the <br />payroll system versus what the general ledger shows. As a result, fund balances have <br />grown and are now available for strategic allocation. <br />Staff recommends transferring the $1 million to the General Fund before depositing it into <br />the Section 115 Trust. This administrative process will clear residual balances from the <br />Payroll and Retirement funds, enhancing the City's financial position and supporting the <br />effective management of future pension-related costs. <br />Next Steps <br />•Early direction for the Fiscal Year 2025-26 budget is scheduled for March 18. <br />•The Public Works Agency (PWA) has identified funding needs for the Centennial <br />Park Improvements. These include enhanced lighting, a family recreation area with <br />additional lighting, restroom upgrades, a dog park, a walking trail, and a connection <br />to the Santa Ana River. While we have no funding requests at this time, PWA staff <br />anticipates bringing the construction contract and an additional one-time General <br />Fund appropriation request to City Council for consideration on March 18. <br />•Staff will bring forward a separate staff report proposing the addition of a <br />construction crew to handle work currently performed by external vendors. The <br />increased costs will be offset by reductions in contract service expenses as the <br />work is brought in-house. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />There is no environmental impact associated with this action. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />The General Fund’s fiscal impact is outlined at the beginning of this report. Exhibit 1 <br />presents the line item changes to revenue estimates and recommended appropriation <br />adjustments. Exhibit 5 shows the estimated spendable fund balance as of June 30, 2025 <br />for all funds, based on Council-approved adjustments through February 4, 2025. It does <br />not yet account for revenue impacts and recommendations discussed in this report.