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FY24-25 Mid-Year Budget Update, Appropriation Requests, and Workforce Changes <br />March 4,2025 <br />Page 2 <br />4 <br />8 <br />6 <br />7 <br />The proposed adjustments in this report result in a net decrease of $223,598 in the <br />estimated Spendable General Fund balance. The First Quarter Budget Report on <br />November 19, 2024, indicated that preliminary economic data from the City’s sales tax <br />consultant suggested sales tax revenue for FY24-25 would fall below original projections. <br />Updated data and revised estimates from the consultant now confirm this shortfall, <br />requiring budget adjustments. <br />To offset this reduction in revenues and maintain a balanced budget, staff is <br />recommending the adjustments outlined in this report, which include a combination of <br />adjustments to other revenue sources performing better than expected and targeted <br />expenditure reductions, while also incorporating mid-year requests (as shown in Exhibit <br />1). <br />The following table illustrates that the General Fund remains balanced after the <br />recommended Mid-Year adjustments by breaking out recurring expenditures and <br />revenues, excluding one-time items. <br />Updated Estim ates Remove One-Tim e Rec urring <br />Revenue 408,609,794 314,561 408,924,355 <br />Spending (412,327,471)3,416,388 (408,911,083) <br />Net Recurring Available 13,272