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FY24-25 Mid-Year Budget Update, Appropriation Requests, and Workforce Changes <br />March 4,2025 <br />Page 9 <br />4 <br />8 <br />6 <br />7 <br />programming will be placed on hold until an alternative funding source is identified. The <br />Library is utilizing part-time vacancy savings from earlier in the fiscal year to absorb this <br />reduction; there will be no impact on service levels. FMSA and the Police Department are <br />both shifting these expenses to the General Fund, where the reductions will be absorbed <br />within existing resources. <br />PRCSA Fees and Donations <br />Staff is adjusting the PRCSA revenue budget to align with expected revenues for this <br />fiscal year. This revenue adjustment will also address the projected negative spendable <br />fund balance at the end of the fiscal year. <br />Gas Tax Fund <br />The state collects the Gas Tax on a cents-per-gallon basis, allocating a portion to the <br />City. When fuel prices increase, local street and road revenues remain unaffected by price <br />change since all tax rates are based on a per-gallon basis, independent of price <br />fluctuations. The most recent Gas Tax estimates from the League of California Cities <br />Fiscal Policy Advisor indicate an increase of $928,180 for FY24-25, bringing the revised <br />budgeted revenue to approximately $16.6 million. The Gas Tax Fund has an estimated <br />spendable fund balance of $26.3 million as of June 30, 2025, far exceeding the City’s <br />target reserve level of 20% of annual operating costs, which is $1.7 million. PWA staff will <br />return with appropriation requests once specific projects have been identified to utilize <br />this funding. <br />Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center (SARTC) Capital Projects <br />During the FY24-25 Carry Over process, the estimated spendable fund balance in the <br />Regional Transportation Center Fund was sufficient to cover $1.77 million but the actual <br />balance was short by $64,340. As a result, carryover amounts were adjusted to match <br />the available balance as of June 30, 2024. The City’s target reserve level for this fund is <br />$362,322, which represents 20% of annual operating costs. For FY24-25, the estimated <br />spendable fund balance at June 30, 2025 is $584,905, which exceeds the target reserve <br />level of $362,322. Accordingly, staff recommends an appropriation adjustment of $64,340 <br />to fully restore funding for the following SARTC Capital Projects: $20,000 for the outdoor <br />fountain renovation, $24,342 for exterior painting, and $20,000 for fencing. <br />Civic Center Budget Increase <br />The City has a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Agreement with the County of Orange to pay <br />for shared expenses related to the Civic Center area. These expenses include <br />maintenance, security, and capital project funding. Since the County adopted its budget <br />in late June after City Council approved the FY24-25 budget, a request for an <br />appropriation adjustment is needed to align the budget with the County under the JPA <br />agreement. With this adjustment, the Civic Center budget will increase by $907,600 in <br />both revenues and expenditures to support various projects, including Civic Center and <br />Courthouse concrete repairs, upgrades to Calsense Irrigation Controllers, waterproofing <br />of the Plaza of the Sun, and the rehabilitation of Civic Center Drive from Shelton to Flower.