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CALL TO ORDER <br />ATTENDANCE <br />Mario Alvarado, Chair <br />Maria Baeza <br />Nathaniel Greensides <br />Mark McLoughlin <br />Jannelle Needham <br />Lorena Vidaurri <br />Minutes: The meeting was called to order at 4:03PM. <br />ROLL CALL Lorrie Ortiz, Recording Secretary <br />Minutes: Commissioner Cheney led the ledge of Allegiance. <br />PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Pursuant to Government Code Sec. 54954.3, the public may comment on any agenda item <br />under consideration by the Environmental and Transportation Advisory Committee, and on <br />any other matters under the Committee's jurisdiction. When speaking, please state your <br />name. Limit your remarks to three (3) minutes. The number of speakers and allotted time <br />may be limited at the discretion of the Chairperson. <br />PARTICIPATE DURING THE MEETING BY SELECTING ZOOM (Camera icon ) NEXT <br />TO THE PUBLIC COMMENT TITLE FOUND AT https://santa- <br /> <br />The public can begin joining the speaker queue at 3:30 p.m. for regular meetings or 30 <br />minutes prior to a special meeting. Once a participant has entered the meeting, they will be <br />placed in a holding queue. Participants will be prompted to speak in the order received. After <br />the Recording Secretary confirms the Zoom ID and unmutes them, the participant must press <br />the microphone icon to speak. Participants are encouraged, but not required, to identify <br />themselves by name. Each participant will be provided three (3) minutes to speak, unless <br />additional time is granted by the Chairperson. REQUESTS TO SPEAK SHALL NOT BE <br />ACCEPTED AFTER THE PUBLIC COMMENT SESSION BEGINS WITHOUT PERMISSION <br />OF THE PRESIDINT CHAIR <br />Minutes: There were no public comment. <br />CONSENT CALENAR ITEMS <br />All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered routine by the Commission and <br />will be enacted by one motion without discussion. Persons wishing to speak regarding a <br />Consent Calendar item may request the item to be removed from the Consent Calendar for <br />separate action. <br />Environmental and Transportation 3 1/14/2025 <br />Advisory Commission <br />