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111 <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-.212 <br />Amendment <br />J.L.Bascom <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-213 <br />Declaring annexation <br />"Bernstein Fifth Street <br />A~ex" ~ #9~ <br /> <br />Map of Tract <br />No. 284O <br />Hugh M. Neighbour, Jr. <br /> <br />Record of Survey Map <br />James B. Utt <br /> <br />Communication <br />Library Board <br /> <br />Pacific Electric <br />Railway Company <br />Lease ~80 <br /> <br />Pacific Electric <br />Railway Company <br />Lease~ <br /> <br />Bond release <br />Tract No. 2323 <br /> <br />Bond release <br />Tract No. 2752 <br /> <br />cash consideration, was considered and passed by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes, Councilmen Dale H. Heinly, J. Ogden Markel, William Jerome, <br /> Milford W. Ds.hl, Courtney R. Chandler <br />Nee s, Councilmen None <br />Absent~ CounciLmen None <br /> <br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Ordinance, on motion of <br /> <br />Councilman Dab_l, seconded by Jerome ~ud carried, the following Ordinance entitled: <br /> <br /> "Ordinance No. NS-212 amendi~ Article IX of the Santa Aha ~k~nicipal <br /> Code creating changes in d~strict boundaries, and amending Skeets <br /> Nos. ? and 10 of the districting map to show the reclassification" <br /> <br />of property located on both sides of Fruit Street bet~een Grand and Linwood Avenues <br />from the R-1 District to the R-3 District, reference mmendment application of J.L. <br />Bascom, ~.~as considered and passed by the following vote: <br /> <br />~%yes, Councilmen Dale H. Heinly, J. Ogden ~.~rkel, ~iltia~ Jerome, <br /> Milford W. Dakl, Courtney R. Chandler <br />Noes, Councilmen None <br />Absent, Councilmen None <br /> <br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Ordinm~ce, on motion of <br /> <br />Councilman Dahl, seconded by ~rkel and carried, the following Ordinance entitled: <br /> <br /> "Ordinance No. NS-213 declaring the annexation of t2mt certain <br /> territo~ designated 'Bernstein Fifth Street Annex'" <br /> <br />was considered and passed by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes, Councilmen D~le H. Heinly, J. Ogden ~rkel, William Jerome, <br /> Milford W. Dabl, Courtney R. Chandler <br />Noes, CounciLmen None <br />Absent, Councilmen None <br /> <br /> On motion of Councilman Dab_l, seconded by Markel and carried, ~4%p of Tract No. 284C <br /> submitted by Hugh M. Neigj~bour, Jr., for the dedication of 5i%rion Way and Santa <br /> Clara Avenue and bond in the sm~oant of $4,000.00 were approved, license payment fee <br /> in the sum of $250.00 accepted, agreement covering improvements was ordered signed <br /> and extension of one month's time granted, as requested. <br /> <br /> On motion of CounciLman D~, seconded by Markel and carried, the ~2cord of Survey <br /> Map submitted by James B. Utt, of property located on East Chestnut Street between <br /> McClay Street and the Santa Fe Railway, was approved subject to the sane <br /> as imposed on the Preliminary Nap. <br /> <br />On motion of CounciLman Jerome, seconded by Heinly and carried, the communication <br />from the Library Board advising of the election for the year July, 1956 to July, <br />~57 of Mrs. LeRay Quick as Chairman and Arthur Bradley as Vice-Chairman, was <br />received and filed. <br /> <br /> On motion of CounciLman Dahl, seconded by M~rkel and carried, proper official was <br /> authorized to execute assignment of Lease No. 7980, in connection with agreement <br /> dated December llth, 1929, between the Pacific EleCtric Railway Company and the <br /> Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, providing for two overhead crossings <br /> between Myrtle and Bishop Streets, on the Santa Aua-Huntington Beach Line. <br /> <br /> On motion of Councilman Dahl, seconded by Jerome and carried, proper official was <br /> authorized to execute assigmuent of Lease No. ~59, iu counect~on with agreement <br /> dated December llth, 1929, between the Pacific Electric Railway Company ~nd the <br /> Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Cmnpany, providing for one overhead crossing near <br /> Chestnut Street, on the Santa Ana-Hantington Beach line. <br /> <br /> On motion of Councilman Jerome, seconded by Dahl and carried, the bond of Beach <br /> Cities Development filed for the improvements in Tract No. 2323, in the sum of <br /> $34,000.00, was ordered released and improvements accepted ks completed. <br /> <br /> On motion of Coancilman Jerome, seconded by Dab/ and carried, the bond of Income <br /> Centers, Inc., filed for the improvements in Tract No. 2752, in the sum of <br /> <br /> <br />