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ASSISTANT EX~CU~I'v'~ DII~CTORoI~DEVELOPI~NT <br /> <br />DEFINITION <br /> <br />Under direction of the Executive Director-Redevelopment Agency, assists in the <br />planning, development and promotion of the Cityts redevelopment program and <br />ad~Lnisters ·nd coordinates the day-to-day activities of the City of Santa Ann <br />Redevelopment A~ency. <br /> <br />~ES OF DUTIES <br /> <br />Confers w~th, advises, and develops recounnendetions for the Redevelopment Agency <br />on policies and activities concerning the ple--~n$, development, promotion and <br />operations of C~dniCy rehabilitation ·nd redevelopment projects; assists in <br />~mplementins approved plans, ensuring adherence to requirements of federal and <br />state laws governing urban renewal and development; assists in organizing and <br />supervising the work of the Agency staff; assists in coordinating plans and <br />activities w~th CiL-yofficials and various other local agencies baying Juris- <br />dictional relationships with specific projects; assists in planning and organizing <br />and participates In a program of informing the public and obtaining its support of <br />renewal programs; meets with potential investors and compiles, analyzes, interprets, <br />and evaluates technical data used in the planning and development of programs ·nd <br />projects; participates in complex negotiations concerning acquisition, rehabili- <br />tation, disposition and marketing of property as necessary to accomplish program <br />objectives; prepares comprehensive technical reports; assists in preparing annual <br />budget recom~endations for the Agency; works with Project Area Co-~ttees, and <br />neighborhood councils and similar citizen participation groups; and performs other <br />related duties as required. <br /> <br />DISTINGUISHING FEATUP. ES OF THE CLASS <br /> <br />The work of this class involves responsible ad~nistrative work in carrying out <br />the City's local renewal program, requiring the frequent exercise of independent <br />Jud~nent end initiative within the general administrative framework established by <br />the Executive Director and the policy ~uidelines of the Agency. Provides staff <br />services for the C~.-...,nity Redevelopment Agency. Work is reviewed by the Executive <br />Director. <br /> <br />RECO~/~DED MINIMUM ~UALIFICATIO~S <br /> <br />Education and experience equivalent to graduation form college with specialization <br />in business or public administration, planning or related field and at least three <br />years recent experience in · supervisory or responsible aa~nistr·tive capacity <br />in urban renewal, public housing, city pl·nnins, or similar work which provides <br />the following knowledge, skills and abilities: <br /> <br />Knowledge of: the principles, practices, economics and le~al.requirements of <br />urban redevelopment, including land acquisition ·nd disposal, relocation and <br />property rehabilitation; the me,hods end techniques used and the problems involved <br />in Zhe work of an urban redevelopment egency; the principles and practices of <br />public organization, management end administration as applied to · local public <br />agency. Ability to: develop co~prehensive prosram~, repor£s and presentations and <br />to explain them effectively to the public end to governmental and private officials; <br />work w~th · ~lde variety of public officials, governmental agencies, business and <br />civic organiza~ions and individuals, egd the ~neral public in an effective manner <br />relative ~o public relations and general project improvement. <br /> <br /> <br />