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Ordinance No.NS-487 The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Or~imance, on moti~ of <br />Amend. Appl.No. 328 <br />G.Howard Robertshaw Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Heinly and carried, the following Ordinance en- <br /> <br /> titled: <br /> <br />"Ordinance No. NS-~7 amending Article IE of the Santa Ana <br /> ~nicipal Code to change district classification on <br /> ~mendment Application No. 328 and ~mending Sectional <br /> District Map ?-5-9 (Exhibit S28 B)" <br /> <br />filed by G. Howard Robe~shaw, to reclassify from R-3 Distriet to the C-1 District <br /> <br />property described as a parcel 80 feet by 120 feet, located on the east side of <br /> <br />Grand Avenue, beginning approximately 150 feet north of the intersection of Fourth <br /> <br /> ,rdinance No. NS-488 <br />mend.Appl.No.330 <br />%lban Holtz, et ux <br /> <br />Street and Grand Avenue, was considered and passed by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes, Councilmen Royal E. Hubbard, Stanley C. Gould, Jr., Dale H. Heinly, <br /> A. A. Hall <br />Noes, Councilmen None <br />Absent, Councilmen Bob Brewer <br /> <br />The Council having un~imously waived the reading of the ~dinance, on motion of <br />Counc~lm~n Hubbard, seconded by Heinly and carried, the following Ordinance en- <br /> <br />titled: <br /> <br />"Ordinance No. NS-~88 amending Article IX of the Santa Ana <br /> Municipal Code to change district classification on <br /> Amendment Application No. 3~0 and emending Sectional <br /> District Map 7-5-9 (Exhibit ~30 C)" <br /> <br />filed by Alban and Bernadine Holtz, to reclassify from the R-1 and R-2 Districts <br /> <br />to the C-5 District ~roperty described as ~hat area bordered by North Grand Avenue <br /> <br />Washington Place, and the Santa Ana Freeway, consisting of a triangular-shaped <br /> <br />parcel approximately 219 feet by ~71 feet by 420 feet, was considered and passed <br /> <br />Co~uunications <br />Boundary Commission, <br />City of Orange, et al <br /> <br />by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes, Councilmen Royal E. Hubbard, Stanley C. Gould, Jr., Dale H. Heinly, <br /> A. A. Hall <br />Noes, Councilmen None <br />Absent, Councilmen Bob Brewer <br /> <br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Heinly and carried, the following com <br /> <br />munications were received and filed: <br /> <br /> From the Boundary Commission regarding proposed annexation of territsry to <br />the City of Santa Ana "Fairhaven and Esplanade West Annex - Eevised," advising <br />the boundaries of the proposed annexation are reasonably definite and certain, <br />although it cuts property lines. This proposed annexation leaves a gap of 38.08 <br />feet by 410.2 feet along the proposed annexation boundary of the City of Tustin, <br />known as the Marshall Annexation submitted to Boundary COmmission October 31,1960, <br />and overlaps proposed Annexation No. 159 to the City of Orange submitted to the <br />Boundary Co~maission November 14, 196~, <br /> <br /> From the Boundary Commission regarding proposed annexation of territory to <br />the City of Santa Aha "Deodar and Seventeenth N. W. Annex," advising the boundar- <br />ies of the proposed annexation are reasonably definite and certain, contingent <br />upon Correcting the distance call in the last course from 92.00 feet to 77.00 feet <br /> <br /> From the Boundary Commfssion regarding proposed annexation of territory to <br />the City of Orange "Annexation No. 150 - Revised," advising the boundaries of the <br />proposed annexation are reasonably definite and certain, contingent upon the <br />certification of Annexation No. 144 submitted to the Boundary Commission October <br />196o, <br /> <br /> From the Boundary Com~ission regarding proposed annexation of territory to <br />the City of Orange "Annexation No. 151," advising the boundaries of the proposed <br />annexation are reasonably definite and certain, <br /> <br /> From the City of Orange submitting copy of Resolution No. 1695 proposing to <br />annex certain property located southwest of Orange Road and Anaheim-Olive Road, <br />designated "Annexation No. <br /> <br /> From the City of Orange submitting copy of Resolution No. 1692 proposing to <br />annex certain property located north of Fairhaven at Prospect Avenues, designated <br />"Annexation No. 150," <br /> <br /> From the Orange County Street Naming Co~nittee concerning three important <br />east-west Couaty arterial highways: (1) Talbert Avenme-Dyer Road (2) Wintersburg <br />Avenue-Delhi Road (3) Smeltzer Avenue-Edinger Street, and requesting consideration <br />to naming these arterial routes: (1) Talbert Avenue - Dyer Road to Talbert Avenue <br />(2) Wintersbur~ Avenue - Delhi Road to Warner Avenue; and (3) Smeltzer Avenue - <br />Edinger Street to Edinger Avenue, and <br /> <br /> <br />