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community which constitute either physical, social or economic liabilities, requiring <br />redevelopment in the interest of the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the <br />community. <br /> <br />Through the redevelopment of the Project Area and the allocation of taxes to the District, and <br />for the purposes set forth in the Agreement, benefits will accrue to all of the inhabitants and <br />property owners of the community, in that the public access to the District's capital facilities <br />provided the community will not be adversely affected by the direct or indirect activities of the <br />redevelopment program. The Agreement provides for protection of these facilities, and <br />promotes the sound development and redevelopment of blighted areas and the general welfare <br />of the inhabitants of the community, by providing for the remedy of such injurious blighting <br />conditions through the employment of all appropriate means of the Agency, while alleviating the <br />potentially adverse impacts on the District <br /> <br />Section 33445 of the Health and Safety Code provides that the Agency may, with the consent <br />of the City Council, pay ail or part of the value of land for and the cost of the installation and <br />construction of any building, facility, structure, or other improvement which is publicly owned, <br />either within or without the Project Area, if the City Council determines a) that the buildings, <br />facilities, structures, or other improvements are of benefit to the Project Area or the immediate <br />neighborhood in which the project is located, regardless of whether the improvement is within <br />another project area; and b) that no other reasonable means of financing such buildings, facilities, <br />structures or other improvements are available to the community. <br /> <br />As stated herein, the Eligible Capital Improvements as provided for in the Agreement are of <br />benefit to the Project Area. In addition, although there have been identified several financial <br />vehicles which would have the potential of financing the Eligible Capital Improvements, there <br />exist significant constraints and/or restrictions which make these vehicles an infeasible and/or <br />insufficient means for the financing of these buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements <br />by the community. <br /> <br />The Agreement provides a viable approach for the District to continue to operate the District's <br />facilities in the City, and to establish new general educatJon community college facilities in the <br />community, under specific conditions of the Agreement. Without the Agreement, the District <br />would be unable to provide such facilities, and as such the intent of the City's redevelopment <br />program could be adversely affected. <br /> <br />The Agreement conforms with the intent and purpose of the Redevelopment Plan and the <br />purpose, the declaration of State policy, and the requirements of the California Community <br />Redevelopment Law, as has been substantiated herein. <br /> <br />C-2 <br /> <br /> <br />