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at the seine rent an~ under the s~me terms and conditions, except that Notice <br />to Term/hate the te-ancy shall be reduced to 15 days. <br /> <br />EN~CROACH~ On motion of Councilman Harvey, seconded <br />AG~W~ by Councilman Schlueter and carried, <br /> Cotmcil authorized execution of an encroach- <br /> ment agreement with H. N. Whittaker <br />regarding encroaching canopy at 111 N. Main Street. <br /> <br />~ ?~ <br />CLAIM - ALONZO On motion of Councilman Harvey, seconded <br /> by Councilman Gilmore and carried, <br /> Council authorized execution by the proper <br /> city officials of a c~a~romise and release <br />agreement in the amount of $2,500.00 with Benjamin Alonzo, a former city <br />employee. <br /> <br />~/ <br />TALBERT ACQUISITION On motio~ of Councilman Harvey, seconded <br />AND IMPROVEMENT by Councilman Gilmore and carried, <br /> Council authorized execution of an agree- <br /> ment with the Yorba Investment Company <br />regarding the acquisitioa and improvement of Talbert Avenue in Tract 4951. <br /> <br />PRE. RECO~D OF On motion of Councilman Harvey, seconded <br />SURVEY ~02 by Councilman Schlueter and carried, <br />S. Y. DEV. CO. Council approved Preliminary Record of <br /> Survey ~02 filed by S. Y. Development <br />Cure, any creating two lots located Ca the west side of B~oadwmy, south of <br />Buffalo Avenue, subject to the coaditions outlined in the revised rec ........ endation <br />of the Planning Director dated November 15, 1963. <br /> <br />PRE. RECO~D OF <br />SU~VE~ 336 <br />STANDARD PRESSED <br />STEEL <br /> <br />Council heard the City Attorney's report <br />that the language of the Municipal Code <br />does not provide a~ means of waiving <br />drainage fees. A.A. Leedom, 2701 S. <br />Harbor, requested continuance of the <br /> <br />matter. On motion of Councilman Schlueter, seconded by Councilman Harvey and <br />carried, Council continued the matter to December 2, 1963. <br /> <br />TRASH TRAI~FER Council heard the City Manager's report <br /> regardin~ the trash transfer station in <br /> Montgomery Park, in which he stated the <br /> Orar~e County Health Department has <br />declared the facility does not at the time constitute a public nuisance but <br />they will keep close surveillance on it; that it is operated on a month to <br />month lease basis and the owner has plans to change the use. <br /> <br />J. T. Davis, 935 S. Laurel, Mrs. Martin Pauley, 361~ Roberts Drive, E~ith Wright, <br />3420 ~. Roberts Drive, Mrs. Davis, 935 S. Laurel, Martha Nelson, 939 S. Laurel, <br />and Mr. Davidson, 918 S. Jackson, described the unsatisfactory condition of the <br />facility and protested its continuance. <br /> <br /> STREET <br />CR0~SWALK <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL <br /> <br /> Council heard the City Manager's report <br /> rec~---~.ending aga~n,t the installation of <br /> a midblock crosswalk in front of Adams <br /> School for the following reasons: <br /> <br />- 253 - November 18, 1963 <br /> <br /> <br />