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Nathan Tarr, 902 Avalon, property owner within 300 feet and attorney represent- <br />ing protestants, evaluated the emotional and legal aspects of the problem. <br />Emotional factors involved tradition, precedent, vested property rights and good <br />faith. He denied that grounds for a variance had been established and quoted <br />a court decision regarding self-induced hardship. Ne stated Plaguing Commission <br />did not have brochure Just submitted and cited court case regarding evidence <br />produced by persons present at hearing; stated increased revenue has nothing to <br />do with granting of variance. <br /> <br />Eerwin ~acobs, 915 Avalon, stated there was no hardship to property and buffer <br />required of Guaranty Chevrolet variance was .adequate to protect the R 1 area. <br />He submitted a petition with over 1,000 signatures of persons requesting denial <br />Of the appeal. 0~ motion of Counc~ma~ Schlueter, seconded by Couuc~lm-~ Narvey <br />and carried, Couacil received and ordered filed the petition. <br /> <br />Eugene H. Westmeyer, 6~ E. 20th Street, starch that no hardship existeH but <br />~wner did not want to sell because of tax purposes. Also speaking in opposition <br />were Harold Craig, 806 E. Catalima, noting the distance of apartments referred <br />to by Mr. Rick. les and that approval would set pattern for new apar~mente. William <br />E. Riggle, 2118 Santiago, requested the reading of Mr. ~arwood's letter, and upon <br />approval of the Council, the Clerk read the letter in full. Mr. Tarr commented <br />that Mr. Xeller had leased the property about a year ago with f,,l~ knowledge <br />that the property was R 1. There being no further testimony, the hearing was <br />closed. <br /> <br />It was moVed by Counc41m*u G~lmore, seconded by Counc~lm~n Schlueter, that the <br />matter be continued to the meeting of December 16 for further study by Council. <br />Cou~cilmau Narvey voted "No" amd Vice Mayor Hubbard declared the motion lost. <br /> <br />A motion by Councilman Narvey to uphold the action of the Pla-~ing Commission <br />and instruct the City Attorney to prepare a resolution denying Variance Appli- <br />cation 183~ was lost for lack of second. It was moved by Councilman Harvey, <br />seconded by Councilman Gilmore and carried, that action be continued to December <br />16, 1963. <br /> <br />NEARING - AMBULANCE <br />S~V~CE <br /> <br />in the City of Santa ~na. <br /> <br /> Vice Mayor Hubbard opened the hearing on <br /> an application for Certificate of Public <br /> Convenience and Necessity filed by Windh <br /> Ambulance Service to operate one ambulance <br />The Clerk reported that notice of the hearing was pub- <br /> <br />lished in The Register on November 26, 196B and mailed to applicant and present <br />Certificate holders on November 22, 1963; that communications supporting the <br />application had been received from the following: <br /> <br /> Dr. L. I. Bonin, 2101 W. Edinger Avenue; Dr. P. W. ~mbert, 1510 N. Grand; <br /> Betty J. Thompson, Administrator, Doctors Hospital, 1901 N. College Avenue; <br /> Allan G. Brown, 430 Milford Road, Orange; and a petition with approxtm-tely <br /> 75sign~turesand one'with approximately 25 signatures. The Clerk reported <br /> further that a ~emorandum in opposition had been filed by William F. Acker <br /> and Bright Morgan. <br /> <br />The applicant, ~avid Windh, 555 So. C Street, Tustin, cited the city's ordinance <br />authorizing an ambulance for every 20,000 inhabitants, noting that Acker operated <br />one in Santa Aha, one in Garden Grove, and one in Orange, and Morgan operated two <br />in Santa Aha. Lyle Grimble, 202~ S. Rene, spoke in support of the application, <br />stating the city could support another ambulance. <br /> <br />William Acker, 2227 S. Bristol, of Acker Ambulance Service, stated in opposition <br />that the city was well protected and could not support another ambulance, that <br />cut rates might result, and that there has never been a time when one of the two <br />services was not available. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL - 262 - December 2, l~6B <br /> <br /> <br />