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OPPONE~2S' Nathan W. Tarr~ 902 E. Avalon, spoke in <br /> TESTIMONY opposition, stating no hardship had been <br /> proved by the proponent as required by the <br /> Municipal Code since the property is owned <br />in fee by the Rohr family~ w~s leased to Bellehurst Apartments subject to <br />existing zoning with fixed rental, provided however that the owner would assist <br />in obtaining rezoning if desired by lessee; and based on decision in Minnie vs. <br />Azusa~ self induced hardship is not hardship referred to in Code. Mr. Tarr <br />stated brochure introduced by applicant setting forth tax advantage was immaterial <br />and should not be considered as evidence. At the request of Mr. Tarr and on <br />motion of Councilmau Hubbard, seconded by Councilman Schlueter and carried~ <br />petitions filed by protestants in preceding hearing were received and filed as <br />part of this hearing. Mr. Tarr stated Mr. ~runer's testimony regarding econOmic <br />hardship was opinion of person directly involved based on hearsay testimony of <br />others not present for cross examination; stated also that area is already <br />adequately buffered. <br /> <br />Walter L. Harwoed~ 2110 Santiago, an appraiser with a loan institution and <br />resident of area, spoke in opposition to the application, stating that devaluation <br />of surrounding properties would be frOm two to three thousand dollars, citing <br />an example in Tustin, and stated assessed valuations were used in brochure and <br />are not considered evidence of actual market value. He also stated it will be <br />harder to obtain financing in area if this proposal is granted. <br /> <br />The following property o~ners also spoke in opposition: Mrs. O. A. Budlong, <br />1006 E. Catalina; K. W. Jacobs~ 915 E. Avalon; Mrs. E. R. Siegfried~ 1201 E. <br />Avalon; E. H. West~z~er, 622 E. 20th; Gail Whittesey, 253~ Santiago; Albert H. <br />Jones, 910 E. Santa Clara; Harold Craig, 806 E. Catalina; noting number of <br />hOmes selling o~ B~ffalo for $36,000; that sOme apartments mentioned by pro- <br />ponents are sold and not rentals; that apartments shown are not on same <br />sectional district map and not in vicinity of proposal; that increased revenue <br />frOm taxes would be offset by services required; that proposal is for ten acres <br />out of forty leaving possibility of more apartment development; t~at in <br />experience of Mr. Albert Jones employed by Orange County in appraisal field, <br />deva~_~,-tion of surro~n~ing properties has occured following apartment develop- <br />~ent. <br /> <br /> STAFF REPORT The Plamuing Director reviewed action of <br /> the pIA~i~g C~m~,.lgsio~, which denied <br /> application because there were no <br /> special circumstances, no denial of <br />substantial property right, amd because they felt that this was one of the <br />few prime R 1 areas remaining in the city. <br /> <br /> REBUTTAL Mr. Rickles claimed hardship applied to <br /> property iselfs not owner; that devaluatioa <br /> of surrounding R 1 property may occur in <br /> isolated areas, but not generally; that <br />n,~,~m~ers of oppomeats or propOments is not proper criteria; that same architect <br />has beea engaged as for projects shown; that staff c~!~ents dated November 11, <br />196~ (read by Mr. Rickles) expressed belief application would represent land <br />uae chauge and no rec~-,mendation was made; that special circ~astances do exist <br />because ten acre, squsre parcel made R 1 design almost impo?sible,~ and at <br />prohibitive per lot cost. A layout for R 1 development at $29,575 per lot was <br />received and ordered filed on motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Council- <br />ma~ Schlueter and carried. <br /> <br />Mr. Craig pointed out per lot cost was ~ased on amortization of lease and that <br />develolxaents shown were all over o~e mile from subject property. There bei~ <br />no further testimo~F, the hearing was closed. <br /> <br />It was moved by Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Councilman Harvey, that the City <br />Council uphold the action of the Planming C?..~ssion and instruct the City <br />Attorney to prepare a resolution denying Variance Application 18B4. On roll <br /> <br />CITT COUNCIL <br /> <br />- 323 - <br /> <br />February 17, 196~ <br /> <br /> <br />