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The meeting was c-l~ed to order at ?:~0 p.m. in the Council <br />217 North Main Street. Roll ,-~1 ~as answered by Counet~.~u Royal E. <br />E~bt~ ~r~ H. Harvey, ~ame$ G~, Henry H. Schlueter, and Mayor <br />Allen ~l 1. Follow!~ the Plebe of ALlegiance to the Flag, the ~nvocatton <br />was delivered by the I~everend Karl Christ, Tustin Presbb~terian. Church <br /> <br />ns meiled. <br /> <br />On motion of Counc!~m~n Hubbard, <br />seconded by ~chlueter and <br />carried, the Minutes of the Re~,3_-r <br />Meeting of ~pri~ ~, 1~ were approved <br /> <br />cErTIFICATE O~ <br />APPRECIATION <br /> <br />¢~mission since <br /> <br />On be~!* of the City Council, Vice- <br />Mayor Hubbard presented a Certificate <br />of Appreciatiom to William ~. Nbore, <br />~r. for his services on the <br /> <br />CROWNING OF Mayor u~] introduced ~ames C. Mathias, <br />I~SS .;A'TBC~S Chairman of 0ivic Beautification <br /> Committee, San~a Ann Cb~,~r of C~erce, <br /> who explained Civic ~eauty Week an~ <br />the ~ltss Hibiscus contest. Mr. Mathi~s introduced Miss Hibiscus of <br />~ho presented the finalists, l~r ~11 an~_~mced the winners as follows: <br /> <br />~econd RunneroUp <br />First I~nner -Up <br />Miss Hibiscus <br /> <br />._c~_-~on Bellis, Valley High School <br />Janet Boy~, Santa Ann High, School <br />Linde Cochran, V=~ ~ ey High School <br /> <br />AMID. APP. <br />RTSEE~ &OOULD <br /> <br />Mayor Hall announced concurrent heari~n~8 <br />on Amendment Application ~35 file~ by <br />Barbara ~bert to _~m~-ud ~ectional <br />District Map 17-~-~ by reclassifying <br />from the M I tO the R ~ district prop- <br />perry south of McFadden an8 west of Lyon; <br /> <br />and on Amendment Application J;)lh filed by Htskey & ~ould to ~nend Secti~l <br />District Map~ 7-5-9 and 20-~-~ to reclassify from the M 1 to the R ~ <br />district, p~:operty on the east si~e of Oran~ bet-*een Warner an~ MaFa~den. <br /> <br />~e Clerk read the followi~ letters protestin~ the zone changes in the <br />applications: <br /> <br />Carl G. Bauch, Bauch Cabinet & M¢~work, 21~1 South Wright; L. M. Duntley, <br />727 West 7th Street, Los Angeles; and H. M. Sipe, ~eneral Manager, Marrotta <br />Valve Co~poration, ~ S%andard. On m~tion of Counc~,~ Hubbard, <br />seconded by Counc~lma~ Sehlueter and carried, the letters were received <br />and ordere~ filed. <br /> <br />Mayor ~ ~ stated that additional information was not yet available from <br />Planning Consultants for the ~eneral Plan and suggested the hearings be <br />continued to May 18, 1~4. <br /> <br />Dele Heinly, 611 West 8th Street, attorney for the applicants, expressed <br />agreement with the continuation. <br /> <br />Cl"l~ COUNCIL - ~8 - April <br /> <br /> <br />