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by Sully-Miller Contracting ComDauy for. completion of work in Assess,~t <br /> <br />District 221 contract. <br />BID CALLS <br /> <br />the following: <br />Concrete block <br /> <br /> On motion of ~ounc~lmA~ Hubbard, <br /> seconded by COunCilman Schlueter and <br /> carried, Council authorized the proper <br /> authorities to advertise for bids for <br /> <br />restroom building for Santiago Park; bid opening date, <br /> <br />Construction of concession stands in stadium structUre; opening date, <br />May 12, 1964. <br /> <br />Furnishing and apply 320 tons of SlUrry Seal; opening date, May 4, 196~. <br /> <br />YOUTH COUNCIL <br /> <br /> 0ouncil received a letter from the <br /> Board of Recreation and Parks <br /> e~lorsi_n~ the Rec~maendations from <br /> the Santa Aha Citizens Council for <br />Youth to form a Youth Council in the City. <br />RESOLuTION NO. '6~-62 OF 'i~ CITI OF SANTA ANA AOKNOI*mmOINO THE ~EED FOR <br />A YOUTH COU~CIL WITHIN 'i~ CITY OF SANTA A~A AND EXPRESSINO SlIPP0~T Tu~OF <br />was read by title. It was moved by 0ounct~m~n Hubbard, seconded by Council- <br />m~n Harvey that further reading be waived ami Resolution 6~-62 be adopted. <br />On roll call vote: <br /> <br />Hubbard, Harvey, Gilmore, S-blueter, Hall <br />None <br />None <br /> <br />c~7f <br />PETITION On motion of Counctlm-n Hubbard, <br /> seconded by counct~msn Schlueter and <br /> carried, ~ouncil received and ordered <br /> filed a petition signed by lB members <br />of the Inter,City Coordination Sub-c~mmit~ee of the Citizens A~visory <br />~ittee for reinstatement to membership on the Citizens Advisory Coe~ittee <br />of .any dismissed person, including ~rs. Janice Boer, and requesting that <br />the Council' establish definite rules for momharship and procedure for the <br />e.~.=~lt~ee, effective no later than June 1, 1964. <br /> <br />Joe G~"~W~r, 308 West 4th Street, read the letter dated April 9, 196~ <br />submitted, with the petition to the City Council, noting he understood there <br />could not have been more than 6 valid s~_=n-tUres on the petition requesting <br />Mrs. Boer's dismissal and ~ere Were 13 asking her reinstatement. <br />Councilman. ~arvey expressed surprise that the commztttee ha~ continued to <br />meet ~ith Mrs. Boer as chairman after her removal by the City Council. <br /> <br />Mrs. Janice Boer, 912 North Lowell, stated that she had been advised by her <br />attormey that until by-laws are established, there is no such c..~ttee in <br />existence and the group is entitled to meet. <br /> <br />J. Ogden Markel, 181~ South Patton, r~rked that too many persons on the <br />Citizens Advisory ~ttee do not live in the city and da n~t have the <br /> <br />City's ~est interest at heart. <br /> <br />.~'~ma' VACATION ' · <br /> <br />On motion of COUnC~lma~ Hubbard, <br />seconded by Councilman Schlueter and <br />carried, Council received and referred <br />to the City Manager for investigation <br /> <br />and .reRort, stx~e~ vacation within that portion of Alton Street lying <br />between the north, line of t~ intersection with New Talbert Avenue on the <br />· west and the east line. of the Pacific P~ilway ease,w~t on the east, <br /> <br /> CITY COUNCIL - 377 - April 20, 1964 <br /> <br /> <br />