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BEARING ~e,yor BaLl. opened, the heal'ins mi ~._enR- <br />Ape~mo AFFo ~tT1 - ment AppL'~.cati/m ~-71 filed, by ~v1~`~ <br />BULL0~ Bullock to a~e~R Sectie~al District Map <br /> 20-~-9 by pre-z~ntng fr~ the Cetmty <br />M 1 to the City R l, R 2, R ~, ~, C 4 -_~ C ~ ~lstricte~ property au the east <br />a~ west sires of Ritchey between Newper~ Freeway and E$~ero Planniag C~miseicm <br />Reeelutiau ~96 recmme~aAe~ denial ef pre-zoning t~ R ~ and C ~. <br /> <br />The Clerk re~e~teR that notice of the hear~-E was published in The Register on <br />~ ]~ 1~ anR that a letter h~l been filer with the Clerk fre~ George <br />lSxwell," Ce~rAinater, Industrial Development Divisian of the Santa Ama Chamber <br />~ Cc~merce, outlining the Executive C~aittee's reasmms for eppeeiag the ~re- <br />ne~aimg. ~ ~oti~n of Councilman Hmbbar~, secauRe~ by Ooumcilman Schl~eter and <br />earrie~l, the letter was erAere~ flle~. <br /> <br />~ m(fci~ of C~uncil~an Nnhbar~, seconder by C~ci~ Sc~ueter ~ ~e~, <br />C~cil c~A the he~g t~ ~er 8, 1~, 7~S0 p.m.~ ~ t~ C~cil <br />~er, 217 ~. ~ St~. <br /> <br />~. NS-7~2 ~INANCE 1~-7~2 A~U~mING ANTICLE IX <br />A.A. ~$7 OF T~E SANTA ANA ~NICIPAL C~$E TO <br />~ C~T.Tw. ~ CNANgE DISTRICT CLASSIFICATISN ~ <br /> AEmm~T AFPLICAT~ 5O7 AN~ A~E~ <br />SECTIONAL ~ISTRXCT ~AP 1-~-lO (E~IT AA ~07 A) was read by title. <br /> <br />It was mover by C~Anc~lw~- HUbbar~ sec~n~eA By Counci~- Schlueter, that <br />further rea~ing Be waive~ anR Ordiuance NS-7~2 be adopte~. 0n roll call vote <br /> <br /> ATES, <br /> NOES, <br /> ABSENT, <br /> <br />~ ~' ~RI~ <br /> <br />C~gNCII~E~: <br /> <br />~uhbar~, ~rvey; $chlueter, Hall <br />Gi~ore <br /> <br />(I~INANCE ES-?~3 A~E~I~ ARTICLE IX <br />OF r~ SAIWA A~A M~NICIPAL C~E TO <br />C2~A~GE DISTRICT CLASSIFICATI~ ~ <br /> <br />~SISN ~J~ES D]3~IAL~was read by title. It was moved by Councilman <br />Hubbard, secauRe~ by C~cilmam Earvey anR unanimously carrier that further <br /> <br />It was moved By C~umcilman Hubbard, sece~teR by C~Aucilman Harvey, that Ordinance <br />~-7~3 be adopted. ~a roll call v~te: <br /> <br /> AYES, <br /> <br />PD Sg~FIX <br /> <br />Hubbard, l~a~vey, Schlueter <br />Hall <br />Gilmure <br /> <br />~I~ANCE NS-725 A~I~G SECt. S <br />~30o 17~ TmmmV~ 9~30.176, ~CL~SlW~, <br />TO PROVIDE A PD ZONE (P~ 9EFELOF- <br />lm~£ SVTFIX) A~D ADDi~ SECTION 9325.2 <br /> <br />TO .£,w. ~W/~Di'VI~ION I~LATI0~S OF T~ SANTA ANA )e~.¢IPAL C~DE was rea~ by title. <br /> <br />It was move~ by Co~ucilman Hubbaxxl, seconder by Council-=- Sehlueter, that further <br />reading be waiver anR ~r~-~ce ES-?~5 be aaepteR. Om roll eall vote: <br /> <br /> AYES; C~CIL~3~: Hab~r~; w~m,~ey; Schlunter, Hall <br /> · OES~ C~CXLk~ ~ lane <br /> ABSE~T~ C0~NC~L~: Gil~re <br /> <br />CIT~ c~mcI~ - 2~ - A~t 3, 196~ <br /> <br /> <br />