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3.3 Draft Environmental Impact Report <br /> <br />Prior to the preparation of the Draft EIR for the project, the City implemented a public <br />involvement process referred to as the "scoping process." <br /> <br />The City determined that an EIR would be required for the project pursuant to CEQA Guidelines <br />Section 15060(d). Therefore, the City began preparation of the EIR to analyze the potential <br />impacts associated with approval and implementation of the proposed Armstrong Ranch <br />Development Project. <br /> <br />On March 5, 2OO1, the City distributed a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact <br />Report to the State Clearinghouse, local and regional responsible agencies and other interested <br />parties. A copy of the NOP, and the responses received during the 30-day public review period, <br />are contained in Appendix A of the Final EIR. <br /> <br />A public scoping meeting was conducted at the City of Santa Ana on March 22, 2OO1, to receive <br />input regarding the scope and content of this EIR. This meeting was advertised as part of the NOP <br />distribution process. No individuals or representatives from public agencies or community <br />organizations attended the scoping meeting and, accordingly, no comments were received. <br /> <br />Comments received during the NOP scoping period were considered in the preparation of this <br />EIR. <br /> <br />The Draft EIR for the proposed Armstrong Ranch Development Project was circulated for review <br />and comment by the public, agencies and organizations for a 45-day public review period that <br />began on June 24, 2002 and concluded on August 7, 2002. A Notice of Completion of the Draft <br />EIR was sent to the State Clearinghouse and the Draft EIR was circulated to State agencies for <br />review through the State Clearinghouse, Office of Planning and Research. A notice of availability <br />was also placed in the Orange County Register on June 24, 2002. A public hearing on the Draft <br />EIR was held on July 7, 2002. During the review period, the public, local and State agencies <br />submitted written comments on the Draft EIR. During the public review period, 9 written <br />comment letters on the Draft EIR were received and one written comment at the DEIR public <br />hearing was received. <br /> <br />Based on the scoping period and comments received, the Draft evaluated the following <br />environmental issues: air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geologic resources, <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />