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NS-2522 - Amending Chapter 8 and 14 to Adopt and Amend Recently Enacted California Building Code, California Mechanical Code...
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2003 (NS-2520 - NS-2640)
NS-2522 - Amending Chapter 8 and 14 to Adopt and Amend Recently Enacted California Building Code, California Mechanical Code...
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1/3/2012 1:01:37 PM
Creation date
7/21/2003 2:22:34 PM
City Clerk
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SECTION 6: That section 8-20 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows (new language in bold, deleted language in strikeout for trackin§ <br />purposes only): <br /> <br />Sec. 8-20. Fences required for swimming pools, ponds, and other bodies of water. <br /> <br /> (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, every swimming pool, <br />pond or other body of water eighteen (18) inches or more in depth at any point shall be <br />surrounded by a fence or wall not less than five (5) feet above the adjacent exterior <br />grade. Such fence or wall shall be constructed and maintained with no openings nor <br />projections, which could serve as a means to scale the fence or wall. Openings, holes, <br />or gaps in the enclosure, doors, and/or gates shall not allow the passage of a (4)-inch <br />diameter sphere and horizontal members, accessible from the exterior, shall be no <br />closer than forty-eight (48) inches. <br /> <br /> Openings for gates or doors through such enclosure shall not exceed forty-eight <br />(48) inches in width. Each gate or door shall be self-closing and self-latching, with the <br />release five (5) feet above exterior grade or so located on the water side as to prevent <br />release from the exterior. <br /> <br />Exception No. 1: Doors opening into a single detached dwelling unit. <br /> <br /> Exception No. 2: Subject to approval by the Building Official, pool(s) or pond(s) <br />operated by the municipality or public school(s) that are under continuous supervision <br />while the gate(s) or door(s) that provide access to the pool(s) or pond(s) are unlocked. <br /> <br /> For occupancies classified as R1 in the building code, the fence or walls shall be <br />so located as to allow access to all living units without entering the pool enclosure. The <br />fence or walls shall serve to isolate the pool from other activities or structures and shall <br />be located within fifty (50) feet of the pool. Gates in such enclosures shall be located in <br />view of the pool. A building wall with no doors or openable windows may be used as <br />part of such pool enclosures when within the specified distance of the pool. <br /> <br /> Exception: When approved by the Building Official, such enclosures may include <br />sunshade, toilet or shower structures which are used only in conjunction with the pool. <br /> <br /> (b) Subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to any manmade pond or lake, <br />which is designed, constructed, and maintained to conform to all of the following <br />standards: <br /> <br />(1) The maximum water depth of the pond or lake shall not exceed <br />eighteen (18) inches at any place within four (4) feet of the bank. (Bank <br />shall mean the edge of the water or any point adjacent to or under a <br />bridge, dock or similar structure or feature, which provides access to the <br />water.) <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2522 <br />Page 4 of 47 <br /> <br /> <br />
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