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NS-2522 - Amending Chapter 8 and 14 to Adopt and Amend Recently Enacted California Building Code, California Mechanical Code...
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2003 (NS-2520 - NS-2640)
NS-2522 - Amending Chapter 8 and 14 to Adopt and Amend Recently Enacted California Building Code, California Mechanical Code...
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7/21/2003 2:22:34 PM
City Clerk
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required fire flow above five thousand five hundred (5,500) gallons per minute. <br />No existing building which currently requires a fire flow of more than five <br />thousand five hundred (5,500) gallons per minute shall be added to, altered, or <br />changed in the character of its occupancy if such addition, alteration or change <br />would increase the fire flow required for such building. <br /> <br />No building shall hereafter be constructed, and no additions, alterations, or <br />repairs shall be made to an existing building within any twelve-month period <br />which exceed twenty-five (25) percent of its value, and no existing building shall <br />be changed in the character of its occupancy so as to increase the fire flow <br />required for such building, unless fire hydrants and appurtenant water supply <br />capable of delivering the fire flow that will be required for such building, with a <br />residual pressure measured at the hydrant outlet of not less than twenty (20) <br />pounds per square inch during times of average daily consumption, are located <br />in accordance with the following distance limitations: <br /> <br />1. In any case where this requirement applies solely by reason of <br />additions, alterations, or repairs to an existing building; and in the case of <br />new construction of a building designed for Group R, Division 3 <br />occupancy, as defined in the building code of the City of Santa Ana, or <br />building or structure accessory thereto: the required hydrant or hydrants <br />must be located within five hundred (500) feet of all portions of the exterior <br />walls of the building or be protected. Such required hydrant or hydrants <br />may be located either on a public street or on the site of the premises to <br />be protected. <br /> <br />2. In all other cases: the required hydrant or hydrants shall be located on <br />the site of the premises to be protected, except that any required hydrant <br />may be located on a public street if such location is within one hundred <br />fifty (150) feet of all portions of the exterior walls of the building to be <br />protected. <br /> <br />Where more than one (1) fire hydrant is located on the site of the premises to be <br />protected, or where a combination of hydrants located on such site and a public <br />street are used to meet the distance requirements, the required fire flow in <br />gallons per minute may be divided between such hydrants provided: <br /> <br />1. That the combination of hydrants will deliver the required flow, and <br /> <br />2. That no single hydrant has a flow of less than one thousand five <br />hundred (1,500) gallons per minute with a residual pressure measured at <br />the hydrant outlet of not less than twenty (20) pounds per square inch <br />during times of average daily consumption. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2522 <br />Page 40 of 47 <br /> <br /> <br />
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