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NS-2525 - Amending Article VIII of Chapter 36 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Revise Provisions Relating to Metered Parking ...
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2003 (NS-2520 - NS-2640)
NS-2525 - Amending Article VIII of Chapter 36 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Revise Provisions Relating to Metered Parking ...
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1/3/2012 1:01:37 PM
Creation date
7/21/2003 2:26:44 PM
City Clerk
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maximum legal parking time for the particular traffic zone as designated by the council <br />and shown by the adjacent meter, or by depositing coins in multiple adjacent meters for <br />the purpose of parking a vehicle in multiple adjacent spaces, is guilty of a further and <br />separate violation for each period of time, equal to the maximum legal parking time for <br />the particular traffic zone, or parking space, as designated by the council, that the <br />vehicle is left so parked. <br /> <br /> SECTION 6: That section of 36-406 of the Santa'Ana Municipal Code is hereby <br />amended such that it reads as follows (new language in bold, deleted language in <br />strikeout for tracking purposes only): <br /> <br />Sec. 36-406. Use of funds. <br /> <br /> All money deposited in said parking meters shall be deposited in a special fund, to <br />be known as the "Parking Meter Fund", and shall be used exclusively for the purchase, <br />installation, maintenance, repair, servicing and policin~l of said parking meters and <br />pavement markings in the traffic zones wherein parking is regulated or controlled by <br />parking meters for the proper regulation of traffic, the elimination of traffic violations <br />upon the public streets of the city, for the elimination of traffic hazards, the realignment, <br />improvement and widening of streets to expedite orderly traffic movement, the <br />purchase, installation and maintenance of mechanical or digital traffic-control devices, <br />the security and maintenance of those areas which will promote the use of available <br />parking, and the purchase or lease and operation of land for off-street parking within the <br />city, or any of them, as the council may decide. <br /> <br /> SECTION 7.: That section of 36-413 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby <br />amended such that it reads as follows (new language in bold, deleted language in <br />strikeout for tracking purposes only): <br /> <br />Sec. 36-413. Application. <br /> <br /> Any person doing any building, construction, alteration, repair or addition to the <br />structural detail or part of any building, or rendering any maintenance or janitor service <br />to buildings on a contract basis in any parking meter zone and any public utility <br />operating maintenance or service vehicles in such zone in the city may apply to the <br />downtown development manager for a permit to use a parking meter hood. Such <br />application shall state the name of the person, organization, or if a partnership, the <br />names of the partners, the business address of the applicant, the nature of the business <br />carried on by him, the fact that it is necessary to use a truck or other vehicle because of <br />the equipment thereon, or the materials or machinery transported thereby, in said <br />parking meter zones. Upon approval of said application, the downtown development <br />manager shall ~ ...... <br /> <br />.................... ~ssue the permit with specified valid term. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2525 <br /> Page 5 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />
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