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~A~TES OF T~E SPECIAL M. mm'riNG <br />OF T~ CITY C0~NCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA <br /> <br />August 19, 1965 <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 217 <br />North Main Street. Roll call was answered by C~Aucilmen James Gilmore, <br />Walter Brooks, Davis Burk, Wade Herrin, J. Ogden Markel, To~ McMichael, <br />and Mayor Harry N. Harvey. <br /> <br />The Clerk reported that notice of the Special Meeting had been given as <br />required by law and evidence thereto was on file in the Office of the <br />Clerk. <br /> <br />ORD. NS-824 The City Manager explained to the <br />TAX RATE Council that revise~ figures on the <br /> assessed valuations for the City had <br /> been received frc~ the County and, <br />based on the new, higher figures, he would recommend the tax rate be <br />set at $1.21; that the same program could he achieved at that figure <br />as had been planned for under the $1.235 rate set on August 16th. There <br />was no second to a motion by Councilman McNichael that of the two and <br />one-half cents, one-half be used to reduce the tax rate and the other <br />half be applied toward the capital improvements that have been left <br />undone due to the acquisition of civic center property. <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NS-82~ OF THE CITY OF SANTA AHA, CALIFORNIA, FIXING Tam AMOUNT <br />OF MONEY ASCERTAAs~, TO CARN~ ON THE VARIOUS DEPAI~FME~ OF THE CIT~, <br />A~D TO PAY ~. B0~D~9 I~DE]~)NESS F~?.T.T~ ~ FOR T~E ~ YEAR <br />196~-1966, FIXIN~ T~".' RATE OF TAXATION FOR SAID ~ YEAR, A~D <br />DEnigRATinG THE ~ OF CmmTS ON F~CH $100.00 FOR ~. VARI0~'S ~DS <br />OF SAID CIT~ ~gm' LE~lm~ ON T"": WHOLE OF T~ TAXABLE PROPERTf IN SAID <br />CIT~ AND REPEALinG OI{DINAi~E NS-820 setting the tax rate at $1.21, was <br />read by title. Further reading was unanimously waived on motion of <br />Councilman Burk, secouded by Councilman Gilmore. <br /> <br />It was moved by Councilman Brooks, seconded by Councilman Burk that <br />Ordinance NS-824 be adopted as an emergency ordinance. Om roll call vote: <br /> <br />AYES, C0~NCILMEN: <br /> <br />NOES, COUNCII~EN: <br />ABS~, COUNCI--~: <br /> <br />G~lmore, Brooks, Burk, Herrin, Markel, <br />MeMichae 1, Harvey <br />None <br />None <br /> <br />It was moved by Councilman Brooks, seconded by Councilman Gilmore and <br />unanimously carried that flzrther reading be waived a-d Ordinance N8-82~ <br /> <br />he passed to second reading. <br /> <br />Council discussed the possibility of <br />authorizing the attendance of the <br />Chairman of the People to People Program <br />at the Western Regicmal Conference <br /> <br />on Town Affiliation in Portland, Oregon, August 29-31, 1965. It was moved <br />by Councilman Brooks, seconded by Councilman Gilmore, that Council authorize <br />Manuel Esqueda to attend the comference at city expense. The motion carried <br /> <br />on roll call vote: <br /> AYES, COb~C~: <br /> NOES, CO~NC~: <br /> ABS~, COUNCILMEN: <br /> <br />ADJ0b-~NMm~r ;/ <br /> ~.~,16. <br /> <br />Gilmore, Brooks, Herrin, 44a~ke~, Harvey,/~/¢/2f'¢/~¢/% / <br />Burk, Me~teh~e~/~Ke~ <br />None <br /> <br /> OR n~i~ of C~ci~ hr~l, sec~e~ <br /> by C~ci~ ~ ~ c~i~, ~e <br /> ~et~g ~s adJ~ed at 2:55 p.m. <br /> <br />August 19, 1965 <br /> <br /> <br />