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EXHIBIT A <br />Scope of Work <br /> <br />Annual Accomplishment Goal <br /> <br />I. Number ofunduplicated Santa Ana residents to be served with grant funds during the 12- <br />month contract period = 20,000 PERSONS <br /> <br />II. Description of Work - in space below, describe the program to be funded during the 12-month contract <br />period including, services to be provided, program goals, client characteristics, & how grant funds will be utilized. <br /> <br />The D.A.R.E. program teaches children that popularity can be found in positive behavior, that <br />belonging need not require them to abandon their values, that self-confidence and self-worth come <br />from asserting themselves and resisting destructive temptations. This program teaches children not <br />just that they should refuse drugs and alcohol, but how to do so. D.A.R.E. gives the children the <br />tools they need to build a better, fuller and more satisfying life. The program also covers issues like <br />safety and conflict resolution and the dangers of gangs and violence. Along with teaching this <br />program to the 115, 5th grade classes at the assigned schools, the officers are visiting all of the <br />children at each school during different days lecturing on a multitude of issues concerning safety. <br />Officers are also mentoring students during after school programs. All of these funds received by <br />this grant will be used to subsidize the salaries of two of our four D.A.R.E. Officers. <br /> <br />Schedule of Performance <br />Estimate the number of unduplicated Santa Aha residents to be served during the 12-month <br /> <br />contract period per quarter: <br /> Quarter 1: July 1 - September 30 <br /> Quarter 2: October 1 - December 31 <br /> Quarter 3: January 1 - March 31 <br /> Quarter 4: April 1 - June 30 <br /> <br />10,000 Persons <br />0 (Cont. from 1st Quarter) Persons <br />10,000 Persons <br />0 ( Cont. from 2na Quarter) Persons <br /> <br />Total 20,000 Persons <br /> <br />Invoicing Schedule <br /> <br />Estimated the mount of grant funds to be requested during the 12-month contract period on a <br /> <br />quarterly basis: <br /> Quarter 1: July 1 - September 30 <br /> Quarter 2: October 1 - December 31 <br /> Quarter 3: January 1 - March 31 <br /> Quarter 4: April 1 - June 30 <br /> Total <br /> <br />$ 14,445 <br />$ 28,895 <br />$ 28,895 <br />$ 18,265 <br />$ 90,500 <br /> <br />Exhibit A <br /> <br /> <br />