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G <br />Are You Planning To Buy, Rent, or Renovate <br />a Home Built Before 1978? <br />any houses and apartments built before 1978 have <br />paint that contains lead (called lead -based paint). Lead <br />from paint, chips, and dust can pose serious health <br />hazards if not taken care of properly. <br />Federal law requires that individuals receive certain information <br />before renting, buying, or renovating pre-1978 housing: <br />r� <br />LANDLORDS have to disclose known infor- <br />mation on lead -based paint and lead -based <br />paint hazards before leases take effect. <br />Leases must include a disclosure form <br />about lead -based paint. <br />SELLERS have to disclose known informa- <br />tion on lead -based paint and lead -based <br />paint hazards before selling a house. Sales <br />contracts must include a disclosure form <br />about lead -based paint. Buyers have up to <br />s 10 days to check for lead hazards. <br />RENOVATORS have to give you this <br />pamphlet before starting work. (After <br />June 1, 1999.) <br />IF YOU WANT MORE INFORMATION <br />on these requirements, call the <br />National Lead Information Clearinghouse <br />at 1-800-424-LEAD. <br />This document is in the public domain. It may be reproduced by an individual or <br />organization without permission. Information provided In this booklet Is based <br />upon current scientific and technical understanding of the Issues presented and <br />is reflective of the jurisdictional boundaries established by the statutes governing <br />the co-authoring agencies. following the advice given will not necessarily pro- <br />vide complete protection In all situations or against all health hazards that can <br />be caused by lead exposure. <br />